Four words

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Four words.

Post-Christmas hangover.

Lizzie's mum kept our glasses full all night. I didn't even know my body could handle that much alcohol. I'm surprised Grandma is still walking to be fair. She took the brunt of Jarnie's alcohol top-ups that were not very well balanced out by the obscene number of nuts she had bought. The evening ended a little bit like this...

*8 hours earlier*

"Shhhh Y/N people are trying to go to sleep," Lizzie said in a loud shout, holding her finger over my mouth as we both stumbled through the bedroom door.

As we all drank way too much we crashed over at her Mum's house. Grandma was on the sofa and everyone else took their old bedrooms.

"Y/N you need to be quietttt," she laughed, grabbing the collar of my shirt.

I nodded with a smirk, "make me," I whispered back.

Lizzie crashed her lips against mine and pushed my back against the door. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip, and she granted me access straight away, kissing me back passionately.

"We. Need. To. Be. Quiet," she said against my lips, between kisses.

I nodded my head and smiled, starting to take off her dress. She pushed my body down on the bed and climbed onto my lap, kissing me again. I ran my hand between her legs as she moaned into my mouth.

"Quiet or I stop," I said against her lips.

She nodded and grabbed my wrist to push my hand against her harder.


I can hear the bed moving please tell me you are not having sex in Lizard's childhood bed...

*Present day*

And now we were lying under a princess-patterned duvet cover in her single bed. Her arm was hanging over my chest and her head in the crook of my neck, breathing heavily as she slept. I ran my hand through her hair and kissed it periodically. My head was pounding but I didn't want to move and wake up her steady breaths.

Lizzie hummed and blinked herself awake to look at me, "good morning Angel," she whispered.

"Mhm, morning baby," I replied, kissing her forehead.

"You hungover?"

"Mhm yep, I am very much hungover."

Lizzie laughed and hugged me closer, "thought so."

"Your mother can really drink huh?" I said with a smile, "I mean, not quite like mine-"

Lizzie hit my chest, "Y/N that's not funny."

I was fucking cracking up. Nothing works better than a dash of dark humour!

"It's a little bit funny," I laughed out of my nose.

Lizzie shook her head and placed it back on my chest.

"You what I fancy for breakfast?" I mumbled, kissing her head.

"McDonald's breakfast?"

I nodded my head with a smile, "McDonald's breakfast..."

Lizzie patted my chest again before sitting up, her breasts hanging down, "Hey Y/L/N, stop staring at my tits."

"They're mine to stare at," I said smugly.

"Mhm they are, but we need to get up and drive to McDonald's," she replied, leaning down to kiss my lips softly.

I watched as Lizzie stood up and put on my shirt from last night, doing up a few buttons before leaving the bedroom to go to the toilet and brush her teeth.

I found myself just laying on her bed, smiling to myself. About us. About last night. I love her so fucking much and I honestly cannot wait to do this for so many more years to come. When I was with Emma, she never treated me the way Lizzie does. When me and Lizzie talk it's full of love and even when we argue, there is love behind the fire. Don't even get me started on the sex with Lizzie. Considering I'm the only woman she's slept with, she knows exactly what she's doing.

Emma was my first girlfriend. She was my first kiss, and she was my first time. When it was good, it was really really good but as the relationship developed, we grew apart as people and she turned sour. She wouldn't kiss me, she wouldn't touch me and she wouldn't say she loved me. Lizzie is so gentle and soft and loving and always reassures me. Every day I feel so fucking lucky-

"Hey baby, what are you thinking about so intensely," Lizzie said quietly, pressing her thumb between my eyebrows.

I shook my head and smiled at her, "Just thinking about us. Well- my first relationship and how different it was to ours."

"Different in a good way or?" She started.

I laughed "Of course of course, Emma was- she was- obviously she was my first girlfriend," I started, sitting up to face her, "she was my first kiss, and she took my virginity. I really thought she loved me you know? When we were good, we were really really good but as the relationship developed, we kind of grew apart as people and it wasn't long after that she turned sour and started to take everything out on me."

Lizzie smiled softly and held my hand as I spoke. I didn't realise I was getting worked up until I felt a tear fall down my cheek, "she wouldn't kiss me, she wouldn't touch me, and she wouldn't say she loved me," I started again, "but you. God Liz, you are everything to me. You are the reason I smile and the reason I wake up in the morning. I don't sleep unless you are sleeping next to me and I just love you so much," I breathed out.

Lizzie laughed slightly and cupped my cheek, "I love you too baby and I'm not going anywhere okay?"

I nodded my head and smiled, "can you pass me a shirt?"

Lizzie stood up and threw me a t-shirt and a kiss on the head as there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock love birds," MK said as she pushed open the door with a smirk, "I'm going to assume you didn't get my message last night as you both look like you got laid last night."

"Message? What message?" I said quickly, reaching over for my phone.


I can hear the bed moving please tell me you are not having sex in Lizard's childhood bed...

"What does it say babe?" Lizzie asked, sitting next to me to read the text.

"Mhm what does it say babe," MK mocked with a smirk.

"You know what Olsen," I started, pointing at MK who was looking at me smugly.

"What babe?" she replied, "my body wishes it didn't have the ability to hear. Do you know what I didn't need to experience, like ever? My baby sister moaning your name Y/N."

Lizzie scrunched her nose and laughed slightly, burying her head in my neck, "It's funny because when I was 13 I had to hear you moaning-"


"Mhm two can play at that game," Lizzie said with a smirk.

"The woman has spoken," I said kissing Lizzie's cheek.

"Okay okay whatever," MK gave up in defeat, "Mum wants to know if you're staying for breakfast?"

I looked at Lizzie who shook her head, "No I don't think so, we're going to drop Linda off and then go to McDonalds."

MK nodded her head, "okay, I'll let her know. Try not to get lost between each other's legs in the 10 minutes before you come downstairs," she spoke before closing the door.

"FUCK YOU MARY KATE," Lizzie shouted through the door.

"See you for New Year's MK!" I shouted afterwards, earning a giggle from Lizzie.


A/N - This is a huge filler chapter before the new years chapter xoxo

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