Christmas eve-eve

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"Happy Christmas eve-eve," Lizzie whispered into my ear when we eventually got home.

I turned around to see that smirk I knew too well, "Happy Christmas eve-eve," I smiled back.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my lips softly, taking my jacket off my shoulders as she did.

"Do you want an early present," she mumbled against my lips.

I pulled away and looked at her with a smirk, "It depends, will I like it?"

She thought for a moment before answering, "mhm I think so."

I nodded and kissed her again, this time with more passion as she placed her arms around my neck to kiss me back.

"Go to the bedroom, I'll meet you there in a moment," she said with a smile.

I sat on the bed on my phone for a few minutes when the bedroom door opened, and Lizzie was standing in a red floral lingerie set. I put my phone down and stared at her as she swayed her hips and walked towards me with a smirk.

"My eyes are up here Y/L/N," she spoke softly, placing a finger under my chin so she could look at me.

I smiled wide, "fuck Lizzie you look amazing I-"

She placed her finger on my mouth and straddled my lap. I smiled in her hold and placed my hands on her thighs, stroking up and down as she lent down and closed the gap between us, kissing me softly. There was no rush or lust, just pure love and her soft lips against mine.

We softly made out for at least ten minutes before she untucked my t-shirt from my jeans and pulled it over my head, our lips detaching for a moment before they reconnected again. This time with more passion. I moved my hands up her body and placed them on her waist, keeping her close to me as we kissed.

She unclipped my bra and smiled against my lips, placing her hands on my chest and kneading them gently. I sighed into her mouth as she ran her fingers over my nipples which were already erect. She hummed and pulled away from my lips to look at me.

My breath massively picked up when she started kissing down my neck and to my chest. Taking one of my nipples between her lips, swirling it around her tongue.

"Mhm- fuck, baby," I moaned, pushing her hair off her shoulder and behind her ear.

She smiled and stood up, pushing my body back onto the bed.

"Can I take these off?" she said pointing to my trousers.

I nodded my head and unbuttoned my trousers and Lizzie pulled them off my body along with my underwear.

Now naked beneath her she climbed back on top of me, one of her legs beneath mine and the rest of her weight on my thigh before pulling me in for another kiss. She began grinding against my leg as we kissed, pushing her knee against my sensitive core.

We both let out a deep sigh into each other's mouths at the feeling of our body touching. I could feel her arousal already pooling on my leg and she started to grind against it harder. Her breath was now too fast for her to kiss me back.

I moved my lips to her neck, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses around her neck, marking what is mine. I moved my kisses behind her ear to her sweet spot and lightly bit down earning a moan from the back of her throat.

Her hips picked up and her hands were holding my head against her neck.

"Fuck I'm so close," she whispered into my ear.

"Already? I barely even touched you," I replied, moving to kiss her lips softly as she came undone beneath me.

Moaning into my mouth and slowing down her movements.

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