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I looked like a fucking maniac crying on the bus, but I couldn't give less of a fuck right now. I had mascara running down my face and snot coming out of my nose but the only thing I care about in this present moment is that my girlfriend kicked me out of OUR house after someone I'm not even interested in, kissed me. Even in this moment, all I can think about is if she is okay and if she'll be safe until I come home. Both her and my child. I almost missed my bus stop because I kept typing out and deleting messages to her. I leaned forward and pressed stop, getting off at Scarlet's café and walking round the back to go up to her flat. I knew she had a key hidden under her doormat (smart I know) so I let myself in and put my bag down.

"Scar?" I shouted.

I got no response, so I kept walking around to find her, assuming she was probably having a nap or in the shower. The tears were still gushing out of my eyes and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I reached her bedroom and pushed the door open to reveal a very naked Scarlet under the duvet with a sleeping girl draped on her chest, her bare back exposed.

"Y/N?" Scarlet said sitting up with confusion, waking up the girl who turned to look at me.

"Y/N?" MK said, bringing the duvet so it covered her chest.

I didn't even start to question the situation. I just started bawling my eyes out again, falling onto the floor as my legs gave up on me. Scarlet came to my side once she had put a t-shirt on and pulled me into a hug, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"Y/N, what happened?" she asked.

I pulled away and looked at her, "Lizzie- I- Florence- she-" I said in between sobs.

She sighed and pulled me in for another hug, "do you want to stay here for a bit?"

I nodded in her arms, crying until I was too tired to cry anymore. MK came and sat on the floor with us, she placed her hand on my arm to let me know she was there.

"I don't know what happened, but I just got a text from Ash saying she's going to go talk to Lizzie later so I'll see if I can get through to her okay?" she said softly.

I nodded my head and pulled away just in time to see MK and Scar kiss each other goodbye.

"I'll see you soon," MK whispered before walking off.

Scar helped me up and bought me over to her bed before running off quickly to get some makeup wipes and clean my face.

"Florence kissed me," I said after a few sniffles.

Scarlet sighed, "and Lizzie saw," she finished.

I nodded, "I didn't kiss her back but by the time I processed what was happening Lizzie was standing there and then- she told me to leave," I said, the tears starting again.

"Oh Y/N," Scarlet said with a sad face, pulling me in for another hug, "you need to talk to her."

I nodded, "I don't know if she'll talk to me though, she said she wanted space. The least I can do is give her that ... I feel fucking awful Scar," I said slowly.

She leaned over and grabbed my phone, unlocking it and passing it to me, "text her Y/N, she's your girlfriend and you two live together. Hell- you're going to have a baby in 4 months. You need to talk to her."

I need to talk to you tomorrow, I can't stand not being around you. I'm really sorry, I love you so much Elizabeth x

"Why did I leave, I left my pregnant girlfriend on her own," I said after I had sent the message.

"She asked you to give her space, you respected her wishes. You've done all you can do babe. I've ordered some pizza and I going to pour us a glass of wine each and we are going to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower," she said, kissing my head and walking off.

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