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"omg look at him," Lizzie said excitedly, running towards a ginger kitten.

After our movie marathon, she knew it would be good for me to get out of the house and we had already agreed that we would go and look at some cats today, so we got dressed - well, I put on some joggers and threw my hair into a hat and we drove to the local RSPCA. I grew up with cats and have been around them my whole life until I moved out, my apartment complex didn't allow animals so I couldn't have a cat there but when Lizzie suggested getting a cat for our new house, I couldn't say no.

"I thought we wanted a black one," I laughed as she dragged me from window to window, looking at all the cats they had.

"I do but he is also really cute," she giggled, "are we getting a cat or a kitten?"

"We are just looking at the moment," I reminded her, "today isn't the day we are taking one home."

"But what if we find the one?"

"We'll see," I laughed.

We looked from window to window at the animals, both cats and kittens looking for a new home. We thought about buying one but then spoke about how much more it would mean to adopt from a charity like the RSPCA. Unlike Lizzie who was running around like an excited puppy, none of them caught my eye until we stopped in front of one with a ginger mummy cat with five kittens drinking from her.

"oh my god Lizzie," I said slowly walking up to the glass and squatting down.

Two of them were also ginger, one was black, one was white and the last one was a tabby. The black being the runt of the litter.

"I retract what I said, I need this cat," I said looking up at her.

She was watching me with the biggest smile on her face and nodded slowly. We called over one of the volunteers who pulled the black one out from its bed and placed it in my hand. She told us about how each kitten needed a home as well as the mummy, the black one was fast asleep in my hands, curled into a little ball. Lizzie laughed at the love I was giving the cat and told the worker that we want to take him home with us. Thirty minutes later I was sat in the passenger seat of Lizzie's car, holding a black kitten.

"I love him so much," I told her, stroking his nose gently with my thumb.

She looked over at me from the driver's seat and wore a smug smile, "so much for just viewing," she spoke.

"I couldn't leave him there, little Momo," I smiled, kissing his head.

We pulled up to the house and Lizzie grabbed all of the essentials we bought for the cat, definitely too many but neither of us has a great level of impulse. At first, it was just a few cat toys, then I suggested a collar and Lizzie picked out a very cute one with flowers around it, I then realised we needed litter and a little tray and that lead us down the route of a scratch post. Long story short, we now had three bags of stuff we definitely didn't need. Momo was still fast asleep in my hands in the same position he was in when we left the RSPCA.

"I love him," I said again.

Lizzie laughed and kissed his head, "he's our little baby."

"When would you want human babies?" I asked curiously with a little laugh.

"Maybe once we're married," she said looking into my eyes, "when are you going to propose?"

I laughed and shook my head, "you'll just have to wait and see."

"Well, if you want kids, you best hurry," she giggled.

"We literally met only 8 months ago, doesn't it seem a bit soon," I spoke.

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