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"Baby?" Lizzie shouted from the bedroom where she was packing out clothes.

"Yeah?" I called out.

We had spent all morning packing up my tiny Soho apartment, working from one room to another with theatre music playing at the loudest volume until one of us needed the other. Lizzie started on the bathroom while I was working on the bedroom. For two people we had a shit ton of clothes. I quickly gave up with the wardrobe and moved on to the décor and bedding and when Lizzie finished in the bathroom, she moved the boxes out into the hallway and kissed my head while she passed. Eventually, she told me that she would take care of the rest of the bedroom while I started on the kitchen, and we would move to the lounge and do that together as it was the final room.

A crash of drums, a flash of light,
My golden coat flew out of sight.
The colours faded into darkness, I was left alone (Ah, ah)

"Y/N TURN THE MUSIC DOWN," Lizzie shouted as she poked her head out of the bedroom.

"Alexa turn down the volume please," I laughed, "what's up babe?"

"You know when we finish packing the boxes, how are we actually getting all of this to the house?" she asked with a smirk.

I thought for a moment before standing up from where I was sitting in front of the cupboard under the sink, "uh- I had not thought that far ahead but I suppose we have your car, and I can give Scarlet a call and she can give us a hand."

Lizzie laughed and shook her head, "okay get on that babe," she spoke before walking back into the bedroom.


Hey bitch are you free to come over and help us move the boxes to the new place?


On my way as we speak.

Mia is with me by the way xoxo

Lizzie came out of the bedroom once more and pushed four boxes along the floor in front of her to the tune of the music.

"Y/N," she spoke as she approached.

I hummed and looked up at her carrying a smaller box.

"I made a little box of our goodies, but I labelled it 'Lizzie's things' in case Scarlet helps us unpack, we do not need her finding my handcuffs again," she laughed.

I smirked and gave her grabby hands to help me stand up, "thank you for helping me pack our bedroom up."

She smiled and kissed my lips quickly, "our bedroom," she smiled.

"Knock knock," Scarlet said walking into the apartment holding Mia's hand.

She looked over to Lizzie and I who were hugging in the kitchen, her hands in the back pocket of my jeans while mine were wrapped around her neck playing with her baby hairs.

"Ew look how gay we both look," I laughed, kissing my girlfriend's head.

Both Mia and Scarlet laughed and walked over to the kitchen where Scar jumped onto the kitchen side to sit down, Mia standing between her legs and leaning her head on Scarlet's chest, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Okay so where do you want us to start?" Scarlet asked looking at the 30 or so boxes on the floor.

"Um, if Mia wants to start packing the cars with the boxes from the hallway with Lizzie, you and I can finish packing up the lounge and then we can all go to the house and if you guys aren't too busy, help us unpack?" I asked with puppy dog eyes and a sweet smile.

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