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The boat pulled up opposite the Amalfi coast, dropping us off at one of the docks. The view was so fucking pretty, like something I'd never seen before. All of the buildings were painted different colours, ranging from red to purple, all of different sizes and shapes with an amazing mountain view behind them. Lizzie hooked her arm around mine and led me off the boat which we had to be back on in a few hours.

"What do you want to do first?" Lizzie asked, practically skipping with excitement, "We could get sorbet out of a lemon OR OR OR we could go and get your tattoo OR OH MY GOD we could go swimming in the sea?"

I smiled widely at her excitement and kissed the crown of her head, "why don't we go swimming first, have a drink and then go to get my tattoo and then we can get sorbet on the way back to the boat where we can do Dad's ashes?"

She nodded and put her sunglasses on her head, smiling at me sweetly, scrunching her nose as she did.

"I love your nose scrunch so much, I hope our kids have that too," I said without thinking.

Lizzie didn't respond until I looked at her to see the sweetest look on her face, "me too," she smiled.

We reached the beach after a short walk from the dock. I looked around and saw way too many naked people. Lizzie looked at my reaction and laughed, squeezing my arm to get my attention.

"You all right over there?" she said with a smirk.

"Why are there so many naked people," I said, raising an eyebrow and looking at Lizzie's face.

"So, it might be a nudist beach," she said, scrunching her nose again to gauge my reaction.

I thought for a moment before smiling, "well okay then."

"You're all right with it?" she asked confused.

"I mean yeah – my body is never going to look as young as it does right now," I said with a smile, "when in Italy?"

"When in Italy," she replied with a smile, holding her hand out for me to take.

I high-fived her hand and smirked before running off towards the sunbeds, "race you to it!"

I heard her groan and laugh before she ran after me, sand flicking up as she did.

I could tell Lizzie felt slightly uncomfortable as when she took off her clothes, she stood with her legs tightly crossed and her arm covering her chest.

"Oh you're nervous now?" I smirked, embracing the nudity.

She shook her head and laughed before taking a deep breath and lowing her hands.

"You're beautiful Elizabeth," I said lovingly, reaching out my hand to lead her to the ocean.

She nodded and smiled as we ran towards the water. When I tell you that nothing feels as good as swimming naked. It's so fucking freeing. It's a weird sensation that I could feel the chill of the cold water in places it had never been before.

"You good over there Y/L/N?" She asked with a smile.

I hummed and put my hand over her neck, pulling her lips towards mine. We made out naked in the Amalfi Sea for way too long, until our fingers pruned actually. Lizzie pulled away first and rested her forehead against mine.

"I love you," she whispered, placing her hands on my arse, squeezing them slightly.

I squealed and shook my head with a laugh, "I love you more."

"I love you 3000," she winked.

I leaned forward and kissed her again, "My fingers feel like raisins, can we please get out," I shivered and laughed.

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