Young at Heart

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The following week flew by way too fast, I spent nearly every day with Lizzie. Leaving for work with her still in bed and coming home to her cooking dinner. It got very domestic very quickly and normally this would scare me. That we were moving too fast but with Lizzie, everything felt natural and calming. When we were together, there was no one else in the world, there were no other issues apart from what was happening inside my apartment.

I had tried to get her to talk about what happened the night she showed up at mine but every attempt I made was shut down with her kissing me or changing the subject to something she would rather talk about. I'm trying to not let it bother me but it's beginning to feel like she doesn't trust me or want to me know about her life. She hasn't really left my apartment since that day which tells me she is avoiding this, whatever it is. The last time I tried to bring it up it went like this:

// "Lizzie, you know you can't stay inside forever?"

"I can go home if you don't want me here," she said, dropping the wooden spoon rather aggressively in the pot.

"It's not that I don't want you here Liz, it's that you haven't spoken about that night or left this apartment since," I said, walking towards her.

"Just drop it Y/N," she spoke, raising her voice slightly.

"Lizzie, you can't just turn up at my apartment in the middle of the night in tears and then not explain what happened," I replied, matching her tone and volume.

"Y/N can you not shout at me," she ironically shouted.

I backed away from her, placing my hands over my head and breathing heavily, "Liz, stop trying to change the subject, I just want to help you," I said, rapidly lowering my hands and walking towards her when I caught her flinch slightly. A reaction I knew all too well.

I took her hands in mine, feeling them shaking as her eyes got glossy, "Liz, did someone hurt you," I said trying to get her to look at me.

She lifted her eyes to meet mine, shaking her head but the tears now falling down her cheek told me otherwise.

"Lizzie? You can talk to me," I said, taking my hand and putting it on her cheek to wipe away her stray tears.

She just nodded and turned to continue what she was doing over at the oven.

I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her shoulder, "I'm sorry for raising my voice."

"Me too," she replied quietly.

And that was the end of that. //

I haven't spoken about it since because I hate that I bought her to tears, whether it was my intention or not. I wanted her to come to me when she was ready but that took more patience than I realised.

This morning, the sun shining through the window was brighter than usual and Lizzie was missing from the bed and the window was slightly ajar to let in the Autumn breeze. In the next room, I could hear the shower running so I left the warm bed to begin getting ready for work, knowing that Lizzie would not be returning any time soon.

By the time my outfit has been chosen and my hair was tied above my head, Lizzie was stepping out of the shower and walking into the room with her hair in a towel that matched the one hanging around her body.

"Morning love," she said with a smile, walking up to me and giving me a sweet kiss.

"Morning, what was that for?" I spoke.

"You have your meeting today with the band, no?" she asked, taking the towel out of her hair, and drying it roughly.

"Mhm yeah I do, you remembered?"

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