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Elizabeth's POV

Ashley stayed with me for the rest of the day. Not because I asked her to but because every time she said goodbye I started crying again until she decided she would just stay until Y/N finished work. She made lunch and then prepped dinner when five o'clock hit and I asked her to go so I wouldn't have to deal with the 'why is your sister round' chat. I showered and changed into new pyjamas before sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine, watching the front door until my girlfriend returned from work. I heard her key in the door just after five o'clock and moments later she walked through, placing her bag on the hooks by the door with her jacket on top of it.

"Hey Liz, dinner smells amazing," she said, walking into the kitchen and eating one of the carrot sticks Ashley had cut up earlier.

I nodded my head and hummed before taking a sip of wine. Y/N walked over to me, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion before sitting down next to me, a glass of wine in her own hand.

"How was your day?" she asked looking at me.

I turned my attention to her, "yeah it was okay," I replied smiling at her sadly.

She placed her glass down and cupped my cheek, "you've been crying," she states as a fact.

I nodded my head with a slight laugh, "a little."

She placed a kiss on my nose and picked up her wine glass, taking a large gulp before opening her arms for me to lay in. I angled my body, so my back was against her side and took a sip of my own wine.

"Y/N?" I asked, swirling the liquid around my glass.

She hummed, running her hand up and down my arm.

"I um- there's something I have to give to you," I mumbled, pulling out the envelope I stored down the side of the sofa, "this- this is from your Grandma," I said quietly, handing her the letter.

She put her glass down and looked at me confused, taking the envelope from my hand and holding it in front of her. Her silence was way too loud, and I saw her hands begin to shake.

"Talk to me," I said, placing my hand on her knee.

She pushed my hand off and stood up, putting the letter down on the coffee table, "why are you giving this to me now?" she asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I-"

"What? You thought that I'd want to have it? That maybe this will make me feel better?" she asked, raising her voice slightly.

"No, nothing like that, I just thought-"

"No, you don't get to decide what's best for me. My Grandma just died, not yours, mine," she said highlighting the words.

I nodded my head, feeling the tears starting to rise, "Y/N-"

"NO," she shouted, holding up her hand as I tried to approach her, "stop Elizabeth. Stop trying to make this better. Nothing is going to make this feel better enough. My favourite person just died; do you know what that means?"

I opened my mouth to say something before she interrupted me.

"I have nothing," she said angrily, "my whole world was just ripped away from me and there is nothing I can do about it. Nothing is going to bring her back and I don't know how I can live in this world without her- I can't- I need to – fuck I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS LIZZIE," she shouted, raising her hand as she did.

Subconsciously I flinched, being this position too many times with Robbie. I pulled my hands over my face until I saw Y/N drop hers.

"I wasn't going to- Lizzie I would never-" she started, running her hands through her hair, "fuck I- I just- I don't know what to do," she said a tear falling down her face.

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