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Monday morning came too quickly for my liking.

I was awoken by a very repetitive alarm that was blaring through my room. Never has a sound been more annoying before. There is something about that noise in the morning that grinds my gears. Something no one wants to experience on a Monday morning.

It was another brutal reminder that the bubble I had created with Lizzie was about to be interrupted by the flow of day-to-day life. I turned over and grabbed my phone, smiling at the one notification on the screen.

Lizzie <3
Good morning lovely, if you have no plans this evening, do you fancy going out for some food? I know a really cute Italian place x

It's only 8 am and Lizzie is already taking all my thoughts, I woke up and wondered if she was awake yet and if she felt a loss of my presence next to her as I did when I woke up. The message she had sent 30 minutes before proved my thought to be right.

I'd love to, I'll pick you up at 7? x

Lizzie <3
I'll come to yours and we can walk there together x

Suddenly my Monday was looking up, I smiled like a giddy teenager and threw my phone down on the bed next to me while I got up to get ready for the day.

I settled for some oversized trousers and a black t-shirt, dress code in the office was very casual on days we didn't have meetings so I went with something I knew I would be comfortable in and that I could go to dinner in later as I finish work at 6 so by the time I got home, Lizzie would nearly be here ready to go for 7.

Placing my Air Pods in my ears and hitting play on the playlist which was last playing. Milo Greene echoed through my ears and I made a mental note to show Lizzie this band as I pulled my tote bag over my shoulder and locked the door behind me.

The sun was shining, and my mood reflected the weather that was heating up the black material that covered my body. For London in September, it was unusually warm today and it massively picked up the mood. It was evident that this also helped everyone else walking around the streets of Soho as well as more than one person saying good morning to me.

As always, I stopped by Scarlet's work on the way to the office. She owned a small coffee shop that was situated in between my apartment and the office and as always, she had my drink ready for 8.45 when I came by on the walk to work.

"Good morning to my favourite barista," I said to Scar as I skipped into the coffee shop.

"You're in an unusually good mood this morning," she replied as she handed me my drink, "one iced oat latte to go."

"Thank youuu, honestly, I'm in such a good mood. The sun is shining, I am visiting my best friend in her place of work who is supplying me with free coffee, why would I not be in a good mood!" I said smiling into the straw of my drink.

"Does this burst of energy also have anything to do with a special someone?" Scarlet asked placing a croissant in a bag for me to take with me.

I hummed as I drank my coffee, "I have a date tonight," I said smiling.

"So that's why you're in such a good mood," Scarlet said matching my smile.

I nodded, taking the croissant from her hand, and blowing her a kiss as I started to walk away, "have a good day Scar."

"PHONE ME AFTERWARDS," Scarlet shouted as I left the building.

I hope you didn't ignore me bitch, call me after your date I want to know everything!!!

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