Long story short

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I stared at my damp reflection in the bathroom mirror post-shower. Puffy-eyed and tired. I had a lovely evening after we left Grandma's but I look fucking exhausted. From my tear-stained cheeks to the bags under my eyes. Arguably, I have looked better. I thought the shower might wash away some of it, but I was sorely mistaken.

I left the bathroom after rinsing my face with water to see Lizzie still sleeping peacefully in bed, laying on her front with the duvet covering her from the waist down. Small shimmers of daylight shone through the bedroom window and onto her back. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture of her for my ever-growing collection and planted a small kiss on her head, brushing her hair out of her face to reveal my girl. I smiled and walked into the kitchen, quietly closing the bedroom door behind me.

With a yawn, I started the coffee machine. Not one of those lazy coffee pod ones but one of those fancy bean ones that I still didn't know how to properly use. I stood and watched the beans break down into power and then the power turned into coffee. As I walked over to the fridge to get the milk, I was met with the sad realisation that I was out of milk. I was out of everything actually. I had a total of three yoghurts, half a carton of orange juice and a few vegetables. Black coffee it is.

I made a mental note to go shopping today as I walked into the lounge with my mug. My hair was still sitting in a damp towel, so I pulled it out and brushed it through with the hairbrush that was randomly placed on the coffee table by the TV before leaving it to drape over my face. I stayed situated in my towel as I didn't want to wake Lizzie up by getting changed in my room.

I opened the window and locked my phone to watch the streets of Soho below me. A massive perk of living in apartment 13 was the view. I couldn't see over the buildings but the view for people watching was phenomenal. There were a few families scattered around, all taking photos of the iconic buildings and laughing with each other. It was relatively quiet for a Sunday morning in London, so I just sat with my coffee, my head half hanging out the window and took in the day. God knows I needed it.

With my mug empty and a now dry body, I walked back into the kitchen to pour another mug of coffee, this one for Lizzie whom I assume was still asleep. The clock now read 10 am so she won't be too pissed if I woke her up now - plus I am lonely.

"Lizzie, darling, light of my life," I sang quietly as I re-entered my bedroom and walked over to her side of the bed.

She groaned and then smiled when she smelt the coffee, I had bought with me.

"Good morning baby," I said planting a kiss atop her head, lowing my body so my face was level with hers.

She opened her eyes and smiled even wider when she saw me, I must have been smiling too because she leant up and placed a kiss on my lips.

"You look really pretty," she said as she pulled away.

"I feel like a mouse who has been kept in a box," I laughed, brushing the hair out of her face.

She shook her head and laughed as well.

"I made you coffee," I spoke, getting up to put some clothes on.

"Mhm, thank you lovely," she said, sitting up with the duvet tucked under her arms.

She watched me and I pulled my towel off and walked to put it back in the bathroom. I caught her smile as she kept her eyes on me walking over to my drawers to grab some jeans and a t-shirt.

"Something I can help you with Olsen?" I smirked, pulling my jeans on, and purposely exposing my chest.

She shook her head with a smile as she put the mug up to her lips, her big green eyes still planted on my figure.

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