Bound to you

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"So where did you guys meet?" I asked Elsie as we sat opposite them in a small booth in the corner of a Chinese restaurant in Camden.

"We actually met in school," she said looking towards her fiancé with a smile, "we were both in the same art class and she asked to borrow one of my brushes."

Rachel nodded and placed her hand on Elsie's knee, "and then I took it home 'accidentally' and Els came by that night to pick it up."

"Couldn't she have picked it up the next day at school?" I asked.

Elsie giggled, "yeah but I really just wanted to see her again and we uh- we ended up as really good friends for about a year before I actually had the courage to kiss her," she said with a smile.

"That is really cute," Lizzie smiled brightly.

Rachel leaned over and kissed the side of Elsie's head before pulling away with a smile and looking back to us, "what about you guys, how did you get together?" Rachel asked.

"Y/N performed at a poetry open mic and I was in the audience," Lizzie smiled, "we had a few drinks afterwards but didn't do anything about our feelings until a few weeks later because um-"

"She was engaged to a man," I said with a smirk.

"Wow I was not expecting that," Rachel laughed, "so you broke it off and got with Y/N?"

"Sort of ... I more kind of dated both of them and then split up with Robbie, the guy, after Y/N and I had been official for a few months," she admitted.

"Damn Y/N," Rachel said, looking at me, "that's a hard hit-"

Elsie hit her arm and looked at her with the eyes Lizzie often gives me which means 'shut the fuck up'.

"I'm sorry about my fiancé, she has this thing where she makes everything comedic," Elsie said apologetically.

"Like Chandler," I said with a smile.

Elsie hummed and nodded slowly, "exactly like Chandler," she said looking at her.

"So um- Lizzie said you guys were trying for a baby?" Rachel said kindly when the food arrived.

I hummed as the straw of my drink was in my mouth, "yeah we um-" I looked at Lizzie who nodded, "we tried for the second time last night," I smiled.

"Oh my god this is so exciting," Elsie said leaning forward, "is that why you're not drinking?" she asked Lizzie.

My girlfriend nodded with a smile, "yeah, I know it's like really early days but better safe than sorry," she replied.

"Yeah, when Elsie fell pregnant with Billy, we did the whole syringe thing the following night as well, it's supposed to increase the chances of success or something," Rachel said.

I looked at Lizzie and raised my eyebrows.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled, "it's worth a go."

I nodded, "100%, I'm not opposed to having more sex," I smirked.

Lizzie giggled, "yeah of course you would say that. I'm sure Elsie can agree with me on this one that you two are both as bad as boys."

"THANK YOU," Elsie said, "I've been saying this for years, but no one has ever agreed with me," she laughed,

"Trust me, I've said it all along," Lizzie said placing her hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze.

I shook my head with a laugh, "okay enough bullying the lesbians please," I said.

"Oh please, we are just as gay," Elsie said.

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