Di Martino

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We walked down the street of our hotel hand in hand, swinging them occasionally as Lizzie led us towards the restaurant she had booked. It was along the seafront and has huge floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out onto the water. As we approached the front door, she let go of my hand to check us in.

"Buonasera, benvenuto a Di Martino (good evening, welcome to Di Martino)," the man gladly welcomed us.

Lizzie looked at me before looking back to the man to explain that we were in fact, not Italian but I spoke before she got the chance, "Prenotazione per (table for) ... Olsen or Y/L/N?" I asked looking at Lizzie who was wearing a confused smile.

"Olsen," she replied.

"Prenotazione per Olsen (table for Olsen)," I finished, looking at the waiter.

"Perfetto, per favore seguitemi signore (perfect, please follow me ladies)," he smiled, grabbing two menus and walking us over to two seats facing the window.

In the middle of the restaurant, there was a table bordering where the pasta was being freshly made and cooked in front of us. Lizzie and I had a comfier seat that faced the view. Both chairs were next to each other, giving me the chance to keep my hand on her leg as we were sitting down.

"C'è qualcosa con cui posso iniziare voi donne? (Is there anything I can start you ladies with)," he asked politely, holding a tea towel over his arm as they do in the movies.

"Una bottiglia del tuo vino locale, per favore (a bottle of your local wine please)," I replied, giving him a small smile and taking the menus off him.

He nodded and walked off as I started scanning the menu.

"So she speaks Italian? That's hot," Lizzie said, crossing her legs and placing one of her hands on my man's spread legs.

I laughed and placed my hand on hers, "I dabble," I replied smugly.

Lizzie laughed and looked at the menu for a few moments before closing it and leaning back so my arm was around her shoulder and she was leaning on my side, both of us looking out at the view.

The waiter came back over with the fanciest bottle of wine I'd ever seen wearing a little cooler jacket, "Il nostro vino locale è l'Aglianico, è un'uva da vino rosso. Secondo me va bevuto con un piatto di carne, chi di voi vorrebbe assaggiarlo per primo? (Our local wine is Aglianico, it is a red wine grape. I'm my opinion it is best drunk with a meat dish, which of you would like to taste it first)," he asked, looking at me.

I nodded over to Lizzie, "lascerò che la mia ragazza lo provi prima (I'll let my girl try it first)."

He poured a small bit of the red wine into Lizzie's obnoxiously large wine glass. She swirled it around making it look like she knew what she was doing.

She took a sip and smiled, "that's amazing oh my god," she laughed looking at me.
"La signora è felice (the lady is happy)," I said to the waiter whose smile grew wide.

He poured us both a full glass and took our food orders before walking away again, Lizzie took her glass and leaned back against me.

She hummed in satisfaction, "this is so peaceful I love it," she said with a sigh.

"Mhm I agree, I can't wait to spend more moments like this with you," I said kissing the top of her head.

"Do you want kids?" She asked.

I hummed, "definitely, I want at least three," I replied quickly.

She nodded her head, "that's a whole lot of people to push out of my vagina," she said bluntly, "but I would also like a few mini Y/N's."

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