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"Y/N? What- what are you doing here?" Lizzie whispered.

I pulled away from MK who gave me a sad smile and a nod, lightly pushing me towards Lizzie whose face was red and tear-stained, obviously a mess from what I had done.

I sighed and walked toward her, cupping her face in my hands, smiling sadly at her eyes that were welling up again, "I'm so sorry," I replied, my own eyes becoming glassy.

Lizzie closed her eyes harshly, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

I sighed and pulled her into a tight hug, holding her head against my chest, "I'm so so sorry," I repeated, letting her cry.

She pulled away with a sad expression and pressed her lips against mine softly, it took a second for my brain to process but when it did, I kissed her back softly, holding the back of her head.

She pulled away and looked into my eyes, "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too and I- I'm so sorry Lizzie," I replied.

She shook her head and smiled, cupping my cheek and stroking it softly, "I know," she sighed.

"I read the letter," I told her slowly.

"I read mine too."

"She- she left you a letter?" I breathed out, a tear falling down my cheek.

Lizzie nodded her head, "yeah, she left me a letter," she confirmed with a sad smile.

"She really loved you Liz- I- I'm sorry for ... everything?" I said softly.

She took a deep breath, "you're not the only person who lost someone yesterday," she spoke.

I nodded my head and looked at the floor.

"She was the closest thing I had to a Grandma and ... it hurt that I couldn't grieve with you, you- you pushed me away and I had all of these emotions and I didn't know where to put them and then you came home and told me that you didn't want to live in a world without her but- but what about me?" she said tearing up, "what about me?" she repeated in a whisper, her lip quivering.

"That's not what I meant- I- I meant- just that- she raised me and made me who I am, and I just don't know how to live without her," I said honestly, biting my lip.

Lizzie bought her hand up and pulled my lip out from under my teeth, "with me," she whispered.

I looked at her with confusion.

Lizzie laughed slightly and led me over to the sofa and then sat down next to me, "do you remember when you told me about the night we met?" she asked.

I nodded my head.

"You told me that I saved you," she said as I nodded my head, "well- you saved me too Y/N," she whispered, looking into my eyes.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "what- what do you mean?"

"You saved me in every way a person knows how. You Y/N, you are my whole world. You said you don't know how to live in this world without your grandma?" she asked.

I nodded my head and let a tear fall onto my lap where she held onto my hands tightly.

"So live in it with me," she said without missing a beat, "you don't need to do this alone Y/N."

I nodded my head again.

"This is going to be the worst week, the worst month, maybe even the worst year but I am going to be with you the whole time, okay? I am not leaving your side, not for another second," she said, rubbing her thumb over my hand where she held it tightly.

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