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"You done?" Lizzie asked taking my empty container.

I nodded my head and smiled at her.

She ran her thumb along my bottom lip and put it in her own mouth, "now you are."

I smirked and pulled her lips towards mine, kissing her gently.

"I'm going to tidy up later," she mumbled against my lips, pushing the bag off the bed, and climbing onto my lap.

I nodded my head and placed my hands on her waist, deepening the kiss. She cupped my face and ran her tongue along my bottom lip which I immediately granted access to, kissing her back passionately. I switched our positions, so Lizzie was laying beneath me and positioned myself above her, placing one of my legs between hers, pressing ever so slightly on her core. She sighed into my mouth and sat herself up to take off her t-shirt, leaving her in just a bra. I quickly unclipped her bra and moved my lips down to her neck, nipping at the skin gently until I reached her sweet spot and sucked on it harshly making her moan gently. I pulled away and soothed the purple mark with my tongue as she began to buck her hips against where my knee was placed. She ran her hands down my chest and squeezed my breasts ever so slightly before moving to the waist band of my joggers.

"Can I?" she whispered with my lips on her neck.

I nodded my head and helped her move both my joggers and underwear at the same time. Switching our positions again, Lizzie moved her head down towards my waist, smirking up at me. I nodded my head quickly and placed the hairs on the back of her head, pushing her down slowly to where I needed her most. She began kissing my thighs, sucking to leave marks, and then soothing them over with her tongue. When she reached my already dripping centre, she placed a light kiss on my clit causing me to sigh slightly.

"Please Liz," I whispered, holding her hair out of her face using my hand as a make-do hairband.

She smirked before running her tongue along my folds, slow at first before quickening her pace as my breath quickened and my grip on her hair got tighter. She moved one of her hands to push my legs further apart and the other to lightly press down on my clit. I moaned and subconsciously bucked my hips into her face as her tongue entered my core. Her hot muscle pressed against my walls, moving in and out of me and curling on exit, pressing again my g-spot.

"I'm close fuck I'm- mhm Liz," I sighed, my chest rising and falling quickly as I closed in on my high.

With one more press against my clit she smirked as I came down on her mouth, my juices flowing onto her tongue. With my chest still rising and falling she moved her lips to mine and kissed me passionately, her tongue invading my mouth once again as they fought inside our mouths for dominance. I moved my hands from her head to let her hair fall freely around her shoulders as I took my shirt off over my head and met her lips again. I laid her down on the bed gently and made quick work of getting rid of her trousers, leaving us both naked, panting into each other's mouths.

I pulled my lips away and looked into her eyes, "wait here," I whispered, pecking her one more time.

She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip with a smile. I ripped open the box titled 'Lizzie's Things' and laughed a little at the box of sex toys before pulling out the handcuffs and our purple strap-on. Walking back into the room with a smirk. Lizzie was laying on the bed staring at the door, waiting for me to return.

I walked over to the bed and held out the cuffs, "you sure you want to try this?" I asked.

She nodded her head quickly, "100%."

"If you change your mind-"

"I'll tell you I promise baby," she smiled.

I nodded my head and lightly kissed her lips before cuffing her hands together, kissing her wrists once they were attached.

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