Lizzie's letter

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Elizabeth's POV

"Elizabeth, this is it. You and I both know that this is the end of the line for me," she said with a smile.

I nodded, fresh tears falling, "this is going to break her," I mumbled.

Linda nodded her head, "maybe if you weren't so selfish, she may heal quicker."

"What?" I said picking her head up.

Linda sat on the bed and stared at me waiting for another response, "you haven't even read the letter," she said bluntly, "I didn't waste my last day writing a letter to you for you to open it and keep it in the drawer."

I furrowed my brows.

"How do you expect Y/N to heal if you are putting your feelings first?" She spoke.

I let go of her hand and opened my mouth to speak again but came up empty, my mind racing with things to say but no noise coming out.

"Open the letter," she said again before flatlining.

I quickly sat up, my hand on my chest, breathing heavily. I looked around the bedroom to see Y/N still fast asleep next to me, a small smile on her face. I took a deep breath and opened the bedside drawer, Linda's letter staring me in the face. I took a deep breath and closed the drawer again. It's not that I'm avoiding reading it, it's more that I am scared of what is contained inside. Since my final talk with Y/N's grandma, the ring has stayed firmly planted in my coat pocket. The fear of rejection weighing in on me, making me scared to even think about it. I slowly moved out from under the duvet and made my way downstairs and into the lounge. I switched on the lamp and pulled my legs up to my chest, opening the contact for my therapist. After a few rings she picked up, despite theface it was nearly 4 am.

"Elizabeth are you okay?" she asked groggily, clearly indicting that I had woke her up.

I hummed and bit my bottom lip, "can we schedule an appointment please."

"I can probably squeeze you in today if it's an emergency?" she responded.

"No no it's not an emergency I just-"

"Elizabeth, with all due respect, its 4 am, I haven't heard from you in a few weeks and you're just calling to ask to book an appointment? It sounds like an emergency," she responded polity.

I nodded my head, a silent tear falling down my cheek, "I don't know," I responded honestly.

"Come into the office at 9 am," she spoke.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for waking you up," I said, wiping my cheeks quickly.

"Don't apologise, I told you to call at any time. I'll see you in a few hours, okay?" she said.

"Okay, thank you," I responded, hanging up the phone and placing it down next to me.

I pulled behind my ears and made my way into the kitchen to make myself a coffee. At this point I was wide awake, there was no point in me going back to sleep as I would need to be up in 3 hours anyway. Finally having gotten the hang of the coffee machine I pressed go and stood and watched it pour out my caffeine.

"Alexa quietly play 'Creek' by Runo Plum," I whispered as to not wake Y/N.

"Playing 'Creek' by Runo Plum," she whispered in return.

Feeding bittersweet apples to the cows and sheep
Watering me down
Before spitting me out
It's been seven years
Since I've roamed down here
Not so scary now
I know I'm safe and sound.

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