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Lizzie made her way downstairs in the cutest red dress, her hair blow-dried in the direction away from her face. When she caught me staring, she scrunched her nose and smiled sweetly at me before joining us in the kitchen where I had cut up all the veggies and left the actual cooking to her as she was very adamant that she wanted to make dinner. It may have something to do with the fact I burnt our chicken nuggets last night and, in her words, 'a five-year-old could cook chicken nuggets.'

"Y/N, baby where did you put the Salmon?" she asked looking in the fridge.

"Um- in the cupboard?" I said quietly and confused.

She shut the fridge and turned to look at me with a small smile on her face as she walked over to the cupboard with our snacks in. MK giggled next to me.

"What?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Y/N Salmon is supposed to be kept in the fridge," she giggled.

I turned to look at Lizzie who was having a little giggle to herself and then to Ashley who nodded her head slightly.

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT," I said holding my hands up.

Lizzie passed the packet over to me, "you see that little snowflake picture?"

I nodded my head.

"Baby that means it needs to be kept in the fridge," she giggled.

I shook my head laughing, picking up my wine glass to take a sip.

"Didn't you do GCSE food tech?" Ashley asked.

I nodded my head again, "I got an A too- BUT we didn't cook Salmon, what sort of school do you think I went to," I laughed.

The twins looked at Lizzie and they all started laughing. Just as I was about to stand my ground there was a knock at the door.

"Saved by the bell," I said smugly, placing my glass down.

I walked to the front door and opened it with a large smile when I saw Scarlet, Mia and Jarnie through the peep hole.

"Welcome to our house," I said with a small smile, hugging Jarnie, "your daughters are in the kitchen laughing at me," I told her.

She shook her head and laughed, "I'll go show them whose boss don't you worry."

I turned my attention to Scarlet and Mia, hugging them both as they came into the house, "wine is in the kitchen with the Olsen's."

"I'm going to run to the loo quickly, M will you be alright for a few minutes?" she said kissing her girlfriend's head.

Mia laughed, "of course, I'm a big girl."

Scarlet walked upstairs while Mia followed me into the kitchen, freezing when she saw the twins laughing with Lizzie.

I looked at her with confusion as I went to pour her a glass of wine, "white or red?"

"Uh- white please," she mumbled walking over to me.

"Guys this is Scarlet's girlfriend Mia, Mia this is everyone," I said handing her a glass.

"Mia?" MK voiced.

"Uh- hi," she replied.

"You guys know each other?" I said confused, looking between them, the air thicker than before.

"Uh ye-"

"Hey, what did I miss," Scarlet said skipping into the kitchen, placing her hand on Mia's waist and grabbing a glass of wine.

Mia cleared her voice and turned around to smile at Scarlet, "nothing Y/N was just introducing us," she smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Lizzie who shrugged her shoulders but turned her attention to MK who was now staring at the bottom of her wine glass like it was the most interesting thing she's seen all day.

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