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I woke up naturally before Lizzie did, so I decided to go downstairs and make her a Valentine's Day breakfast. I slowly tiptoed downstairs and made my way towards the kitchen in my PJs. I asked Alexa to shuffle Frank Sinatra and quietly started to dance around the kitchen. I grabbed two eggs from the fridge and a big bowl on the way back to the kitchen side where I had already got out the sugar and flour. I beat the eggs together and mixed them with a small bit of cinnamon and then poured the wet mix into the dry mix and stirred it quickly enough to make my arm ache. I harshly sang the lyrics as my hand moved faster. I smiled at the pancake mix in front of me and watched as the small bubbles started popping. 'Strangers in the Night' started playing as I poured the first pancake into the pan, flipping it perfectly the first time.

"Thank you, Frank Sinatra," I said swaying my hips, "Dooby-dooby-doo, doo-doo-doo-di-dah."

I plated up the pancakes when they were ready and once they were stacked, I mixed jam in-between each one and cut them all into a heart shape. I smiled at the masterpiece I had created and squirted a small bit of whipped cream on top with some cut-up strawberries that I had carefully crafted into a fan. I stuck my tongue out as I worked and once it finished, I looked at the plate. I tried my best, but it looked a bit shabby and homemade. Shrugging my shoulders, I giggled slightly and turned the Alexa off and walked upstairs with the plate in my hand.

I pushed open the bedroom door singing quietly, "Strangers in the night, exchanging glances, wond'ring in the night, what were the chances, we'd be sharing love before the night was through. Darling darling Lizzie, I made you breakfast, dobby-dobby-do," I sang.

Lizzie laughed from where she was laying in the bed on her front. The duvet bunched up around her hips and her hair splayed out over the pillow. She picked her head up and smiled at me with her eyes opening slowly.

"Good morning," she said groggily.

I smiled at her morning voice and happy complexation, "Happy first Valentine's Day," I said placing her plate on the bedside table and squatting down to look at her.

"Happy first Valentine's Day," she smiled, cupping my cheek, and rubbing her thumb over my cheekbone.

I hummed, "I made you pancakes, I tried to do something skilful but..." I said, looking at the plate.

Lizzie sat up and looked at the plate with a little giggle, "they look amazing," she smiled.

I laughed and moved to sit opposite her on the bed. She cut up the pancakes and stuck her fork towards me with a smile. I took a bite and hummed.

"It's mid," I said with a giggle.

Lizzie laughed and took a bite herself, "it's lovely, thank you," she smiled, putting her fork down on the plate.

"Can I give you your gift now?" I said eagerly.

Lizzie laughed and nodded, "yeah go on, I've got yours here," she said, pulling a small box out of the bedside table and a bag out from under the bed.

I smiled and jumped up off the bed and ran towards the wardrobe and pulled out the small jewellery bag that I hid behind my docs – could I be any gayer? Lizzie watched me as I walked towards her with the Tiffany and Co bag before I sat down in front of her again and handed her the bag.

"Tiffany and Co?" she said with a small smile as she untied the pearl-coloured ribbon holding the little blue bag together.

She pulled out the white box and opened it carefully, her eyes becoming glossy as she took out the silver bracelet and held it between her delicate fingers. She looked up and smiled at me lovingly as I pulled my sleeve up to show her the same bracelet that was wrapped around my wrist. She stuck her bottom lip out and laughed lovingly.

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