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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up to the jarring sound of Y/N's work alarm. Despite the obnoxiously loud ringing, she was still fast asleep with her head on the pillow.

"Y/N," I groaned.

"Y/N," I said a little louder, this time nudging her slightly.

"Y/N I swear to fuck if you don't switch off your fucking alarm, you're not getting any sex for a week," I said even louder.

I heard her giggle slightly and reach to turn it off, "good morning to you too Elizabeth."

I couldn't help but smile when she turned to face me, I wanted to pretend to be annoyed but when I saw her Y/E/C eyes staring at me I just couldn't.

"Hi," I whispered, pushing her hair behind her ear.

She leaned forward and gave me a long passionate kiss before getting out of bed with a sigh. She held her hand in front of me and I looked at her confused.

"Do you want to shower with me, or would you rather stay in bed?" She said already knowing my answer.

"Carry me?" I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes knowing that they make her weak at the knees.

She rolled her eyes and picked me up from under my arms like a baby as I wrapped my legs around her waist giving her a quick kiss.

"This needs to be a quick shower so don't try anything Olsen," she said as she placed me down on the kitchen side to turn the shower on.

"I don't know what you mean," I said with an innocent smile.

She pulled her t-shirt and underwear off from the night before, throwing them into the laundry basket before coming over to me to pull my shirt off.

"I thought you said quick shower?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Do you want to shower in a t-shirt?" She asked sarcastically.

I shook my head and laughed as I jumped off the side and pulled her into the shower with me. The water was already warm when we stepped in. Y/N stood behind me and gently pulled my head back just far enough to get my hair wet. She held her hand above my eyebrows to prevent water from dripping into my eyes which was just about the cutest fucking thing ever. She washed my hair and gave me a little head massage and while my conditioner was soaking, I turned around and gave her a quick kiss before making her tilt her head towards me. On my tiptoes, I just about managed to reach the top of her head. We both laughed when she had to do a little twirl to make sure I had covered her whole head before we both rinsed our hair out and stepped out to dry.

"I'm proud of you Olsen," she said, placing her hair in a towel.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a laugh.

"You managed to keep your hands to yourself," she said with a smirk.

"Fuck off Y/N," I said laughing, throwing a makeup wipe at her.

I threw on some jeans and a bra before making my way into the kitchen to make us a coffee.

"Lizzieee," I heard Y/N shout from her bedroom, "are you making coffee?"

I laughed and shouted back, "of course."

"Thank youuu," she shouted back before turning on the hair dryer.

"Alexa, play Healing by FLETCHER," I spoke as I put the first coffee pod into the machine.

I've been feeling
Inside out in my feelings
Upside down, on the ceiling
Ooh, yeah, yeah
I'm finally breathing
The smoke ain't gone, but it's clearing
I ain't there yet, but I'm healing.

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