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"Okay we'll do Christmas day at my sisters, and you can bring your nan and then we'll do Christmas eve here," Lizzie said as we finalised our plans for Christmas.

I nodded as I took the lasagne out of the oven, "do I get to meet your sisters before Christmas?" I asked.

She hummed in response, "yeah we can round tomorrow for dinner?"

"Tomorrow?" I said nervously, plating our food.

Lizzie sensed my nervousness and stood up to stand next to me, "they already love you as much as I do Y/N."

I nodded and turned my head to face her with a smile before leaning in to give her a slow kiss, "mhm I love you baby," I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you too Y/L/N. Now- are we going to eat?" she said laughing.

I nodded before passing her a plate of food.

"Y/N?" she asked, dropping her fork onto the plate.

I hummed in response, looking at her.

"You know a few weeks ago you um- you got a call from um- from your mum?" She asked looking at me cautiously.

My smile dropped and I nodded slowly. I had been trying to avoid this conversation because what I did that day was not something I wanted to talk about but if this relationship was going to work, she deserved to know.

*Two weeks ago, moments after Y/N left her apartment*

I feel fucking awful for avoiding Lizzie this morning and even worse that I had to deal with the shit dhow that was my mother. I hadn't actually seen her in over 14 months as my nan dealt with all of the expenses of rehab and her care. I told myself that after everything she put me through, I can't put my life aside just to be a good enough daughter to stop her from relapsing.

I knew as soon as I got the missed calls that weren't going to work, in fact, I messaged Arthur straight away and said there was a family emergency. I wasn't going to tell that to Lizzie though because I know how much she worries and overthinks.

I instead left my apartment and pulled out my phone to redial the number my mum had called me from. Taking a deep breath, I brought the phone to my ear to hear it ringing.

"Y/N?" Mum's voice echoes down the phone.

Fuck maybe I'm not as ready as I thought I was.

"Y/N, hunny is that you?" she asked again.

I took a deep breath, "yeah," I whispered back.

"Oh, I'm so glad you called back. I called earlier and Lily picked up?"

"Lizzie, her name is Lizzie mum," I replied bluntly.

"Is she your girlfriend?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah, look mum why did you call?" I asked.

"Oh, I um, I got out and I would like to see you," she said nervously.

I hummed in response, not really knowing what to say.

"Can you meet me somewhere?" she asked again after not getting a response.

"Uh- yeah I guess," I replied after some thought.

She hummed and thought for a second, "can you meet me at the park near where we used to live?"

"Uh- yeah I'll see you in 15 minutes?" I replied as I began walking towards the park.

She hummed and I could hear her smile as I pulled the phone away from my ear to hang up, not wanting to hear any more.

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