Three thousand and one

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"Y/N," Lizzie said in the middle of the night.

I groaned and buried my face into the pillow.

"Y/N I think my water just broke," she said, hitting my back repeatedly.

I sat up and looked at the wet patch between her legs, "but you're not due for another 4 weeks," I said.

"I know but I'm definitely going into labour," she said, breathing deeply.

"Um okay, you stay here and I'll- I'll pack a bag and then we-"

"Y/N there is no time to pack a fucking bag I am having contractions," she complained.

"Okay um – FUCK WHERE ARE MY TROUSERS," I said running around the bedroom like a headless chicken.

"Y/N I need you to calm down and help me into the car," Lizzie said, standing up slowly and breathing deeply as she did.

"Right sorry sorry," I said calmly, helping her up and down the stairs.

She curled over and groaned, "fuck it really hurts," she complained, scrunching her face.

"I know baby, but we need to get in the car," I said, still walking with my hand on her waist, holding her up.

She did her breathing techniques until we got into the car then held onto the roof as she hummed, "I really want hashbrowns," she giggled.

"You can have all the hashbrowns you want once our daughter is here," I said with a smile, holding onto her hand tightly as I drove at illegal speeds.

"Please distract me," she said, squeezing my hand tightly.

"We should've picked a house closer to the hospital," I giggled.

She hummed and laughed a little.

"Have you thought of what you want to do for your birthday?" I asked, looking over at her briefly.

"It's November Y/N, my birthday isn't for another three months," she replied.

"Yeah but by the time your birthday ... and valentine's day arrives you would have healed from pushing a child out of you and we can have sex again," I reminded her.

"Oh my god we can't have sex for like 2 months," she complained.

I giggled, "you can't have sex for 2 months, it's funny that you think I will not be having sex for 2 months," I smirked.

She laughed and shook her head, furrowing her brows when another contraction hit.

"Deep breaths," I reminded her.

"Easy for you to say," she replied.

"Look we're here now," I said, looking at her briefly before turning my attention back to the road as I drove into the hospital.

She breathed deeply a few times and squeezed her eyes shut, "I don't know if I can walk," she complained.

"I'll help you, its' okay," I smiled, parking the car, "ready to deliver a baby?"

She smiled slightly and looked at me, "let's go."

I opened her door and held my hands out to help her up. We waddled very slowly through the doors of the maternity ward and quickly into a private hospital room. Her sisters insisted on paying for a private room so they could be there when the baby arrived.

"Have you texted Mom?" she asked when she was getting changed into a hospital gown.

"Yes," I lied, pulling out my phone.

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