Lizzie's birthday

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lizzieeeee," I sang, bringing her yet another coffee in bed, "happy birthday to youuuuu."

She giggled from where she was sitting in the confetti, I had blown over her as she wake up. She had a huge smile on her face and took the mug from my hands, giving me a few pecks on my lips before moving up so I could sit with her under the duvet. As today was a Saturday we had all day to celebrate the day Elizabeth Olsen entered the world.

"You know you don't need to keep waking up early to bring me coffee in bed," she laughed taking a sip.

"I know but I want to, I would've made you breakfast but we are going out for brunch with your sisters so I thought I would stick with the basics," I replied, nudging her shoulder slightly.

Lizzie nodded and balanced the cup on her leg, "I haven't spoken to MK since the whole thing with Mia the other day," she admitted.

I nodded my head slowly, "I'm sure it'll be fine, don't let it ruin your breakfast brunch okay?"

She nodded with a soft smile and leaned her head on my shoulder as Momo jumped up onto the bed and curled on Lizzie's crossed legs.

"So, what's the plan for today?" she asked looking at me with a smile, stroking the cats head.

"Brunch is at 11 with the twins and Jarnie and then we are going to the fertility clinic to get your little eggs checked and then I was thinking we could do a take-away tonight as we went out on Thursday for Valentine's Day," I said, brushing some hair out of her face and behind her ear, "now are you ready for some more presents."

She giggled and nodded her head like a small child on Christmas morning. I handed her the first small box. It was a photo frame that I had DIY'd using a Polyfilla and made into a cloud pattern. Inside was one of the first photos we took together on our first night clubbing, it was before our first kiss, before we fell in love. It was just us at our happiest with the giddy feeling of new love flushing both our faces.

"Aww look at how in love we both look," she smiled, running her finger over our faces.

She turned and placed it on the bedside table and smiled at me, "thank you it's very cute, did you make that?" she said referring to the frame.

I nodded, "yeah, YouTube made it look really easy, but it was not, it took a lot of blood sweat and tears. The finished result is quite cool," I smiled, admiring my work.

Lizzie nodded in agreement, holding her hands our for the next gift I had kept in a small white bag. I had started making this next one a few months after we officially started dating. She opened the bag and pulled out a cassette, looking up at me with confusion.

"It's a mixtape I made with all the songs that remind me of you," I said looking at her hands, "I started making it before I found out about Robbie so halfway through there is a bit of an angry love song but then it picks up again," I giggled.

She laughed and ran her eyes over the song list, "You Stupid Bitch by Girl in Red?" she asked with a smirk.

I nodded, "yeah, the lyrics 'you stupid bitch can't you see, the only one for you is me' hit like a ton of bricks so I put it on and left it because the message is relatable."

"You put a lot of thought into these, I'm really going to have to up my game for your birthday," she giggled.

"Theres only a few more so don't get your hopes too high," I laughed, palcing the next box in her hand.

She opened the box and laughed, pulling out a pair of sage green gardening gloves with a matching pair of gardening scissors. Engraved into the metal of the scissors were the words 'bye, no thank you'.

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