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I woke up to the sound of birds and the weight of the cat sitting on my chest, looking at me innocently.

"Hey good morning," I whispered, stroking his head.

He purred and shut his eyes peacefully, laying his head down as he sat in a loaf position. I looked to my side to see my girlfriend fast asleep on her chest, her back exposed slightly and the reflection of the wind chime in the window creating rainbows on her back. I ran my finger up and down her spine softly to wake her up. She yawned and turned her face to look at me with a tired smile.

"Good morning," she whispered as she opened her eyes slowly.

"Good morning gorgeous, how did you sleep?" I asked, my hand still marking shapes on her back.

She nodded slowly, "really well actually, what about you?"

I hummed, "like a baby," I said with a smile.

She scrunched her nose and thought for a moment, "I have a good feeling about this time," she said with a little smile.


She nodded and moved so she was laying on her side, cuddling into my side, "it feels different than before," she said softly.

"I- I don't want you to-"

"Get my hopes up," she finished, "I know but I just have a gut feeling it worked," she said, looking up at me through her lashes.

"I hope so," I smiled, kissing her head.

Momo stirred awake and looked between the two of us exchanging love and blinked slowly. Lizzie ran her finger from the tip of his nose, over his head and down his back making him purr loudly.

"Y/N?" she asked, laying back down.

I hummed.

"Do you want to do dinner with Rachel and Elsie tonight?" she asked.

I nodded, "yeah, we can do, I finish at 6 today so we could meet them at 7? Gives me time to come home and freshen up."

"Perfect," Lizzie said, rolling over to get her phone from the side, groaning as she did, "God I'm sore this morning," she said as she typed.

"Good," I replied with a smile.

"You think you're so mighty," she said rolling her eyes.

"Who was moaning my name last night?" I asked with a smirk.

"Thin ice," she said holding her fingers out in front of me.

I leaned forward and gently bit her fingers.

"Ew Y/N what the fuck" she laughed, wiping them on the duvet.

I giggled before sitting up and gently removing the cat off my chest, "breakfast?"

She picked her head up from her phone and looked at me, "omelette please," she smiled.

"One omelette coming up," I said kissing her head before throwing on a t-shirt and walking downstairs.

"Alexa play I'm so excited by The Pointer Sisters," I spoke, grabbing six eggs from the fridge.

Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen
Tonight we'll put all other things aside
Give in this time and show me some affection
We're goin' for those pleasures in the night.

I want to love you, feel you
Wrap myself around you
I want to squeeze you, please you
I just can't get enough
And if you move real slow, I'll let it go.

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