Mr Blue Sky

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I woke up at the ass crack of dawn this morning with a killer headache. I didn't want to wake Lizzie up, so I stayed in bed and scrolled on my phone. I started with Instagram and replied to a few comments on our recent post and then ended up on Emma Bridgewater, shopping for mugs and plates. After spending way too much money on a small mug that read 'It's a girl', I closed my phone and turned to watch Lizzie still fast asleep. She had a small smile on her face and her hand was twitching slightly. Every so often her nose would scrunch, and she would laugh a little which made me smile. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of her asleep and then checked the time. 7 am, I had to be up for work soon anyway, so I decided to slowly move from my position and start making a coffee to drink as I was getting ready. Once I got downstairs, I fed the cat and gave him some scratches behind his ear before opening the back door to let in some fresh air. It was really warm this morning and the sun was shining brightly through the clouds. My first thought was of Grandma. I hadn't thought about her in a few weeks but in moments like these, I felt like she was with me again. I left the door open as I started on my coffee, taking a few paracetamols as it was warming up.

"Alexa play Mr Blue Sky," I asked as I grabbed my iced latte glass from the cupboard.

"Playing Mr Blue Sky on Amazon Music."

Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' everybody's in the play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day, hey hey.

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey hey.

I leaned down to watch the coffee pour into my glass slowly. When it started to finish, I grabbed the caramel syrup and oat milk, shaking them both before creating my little iced latte at home. I took a sip of my drink and hummed in agreement before starting Lizzie's coffee. I am proud to say that I have finally converted the black coffee drinker to an oat latte bitch. I smiled at her mug which she made in our pottery class and had her initials; E.C.O painted on the bottom. Carefully walking up the stairs to wake my sleepy baby mamma. She was still fast asleep when I reached our bedroom, so I put the drinks on our bedside table and kneeled down on the floor and brushed some hair out of her face softly.

She smiled and opened her eyes slowly, "hey," she whispered.

"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" I asked, still playing with her hair.

She hummed and stared deep into my eyes, "I slept really well actually, you look like you've been up a while though."

I nodded, "I had a headache, I've been up for a few hours, but I made coffee," I smiled, nodding towards the bedside table.

Lizzie smiled and sat up, pecking my lips before picking up the mug, "thank you baby."

I kissed her head before making my way into the bathroom to wash and moisturise my face. I opted for a short black summer dress today given the weather and did a little fashion show for Lizzie once I was dressed and my hair and makeup were done.

"You look really cute I love it," she said approvingly.

She was still sat in bed, with her legs crossed. Her mug in one hand and the other on her belly.

"I was thinking we could go to a pub garden after work. The weather is beautiful today," I said, sitting down in front of her and taking a sip of my drink.

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