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We arrived at spoons shortly after 8.30, Scarlet rolled her eyes and smiled upon our arrival.

"About fucking time," she said, standing up to give us both a hug.

"Happy birthday babe," I smiled, letting go of Lizzies' hand to hug her back, "thanks for bombarding my flat this morning."

"Bedroom birthday duties, I don't care if you're in a relationship, I was in your life first," she said smacking the back of my head before moving over to hug Lizzie.

"Cute mark," Scarlet said with a smirk, pointing to Lizzie's neck before turning around to introduce her guest.

Lizzie smacked my arm, "I told you not to leave any marks," she whispered.

I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled sweetly.

"This is Mia," Scarlet said, pointing towards the girl sitting at the table with her.

I definitely looked her up and down, 'taking in her outfit'. She was dressed in a long black flowy dress with short sleeves. Her hair was long and brown with a mini fridge and her smile was slightly crooked. She was pretty, don't get me wrong but-

"And Mia is...."

"I'm her friend," she said standing up to shake my hand.

"Scarlet has other friends?" I said laughing, shaking her hand in return.

She turned to look at Scarlet before looking back at me with an awkward smile.

"She does now," Lizzie said to break the tension, "I'm Elizabeth, Y/N's girlfriend but please call me Lizzie."

"Well it's lovely to finally meet you both, I've heard a lot about the two of you from Scarlet-"

"And before we get into that," Scarlet interrupted, grabbing Mia's hand to lead her back to her seat, "let's order a few rounds of shot please."

"I'll go to the bar," she said with a smile, placing a kiss on Scarlet's cheek.

"I'll come with," I said, handing Lizzie my jacket.

"Be nice," she whispered to me before letting me go.

We stood at the bar in utter silence. I don't know what was in the air, whether I was not drunk enough, or Mia was just very awkward, but you could cut the tension with a knife.

"So how do you know Scarlo?" she asked finally as we stood waiting.

"She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember," I said with a nod, quite bluntly I suppose, "we're basically family."

She nodded and began to weave her small body through the crowd of middle-aged men, grabbing my hand so I would follow.

"Look Y/N, this is really awkward for some reason, and I don't know why," she said shyly.

"Sorry, she's just never mentioned you before but considering she lets you call her Scarlo I'm going to assume you guys are close?" I said looking at her.

"Um, yeah, I think we're getting closer," she said with a nod, moving her eyes to look for a server.

"Where did you meet?" I asked curiously.

Scarlet tells me everything so why I didn't know of her existence baffled me.

"Tinder," she said, still trying to get the attention of the bar staff.

"Tinder? But Scarlets straight," I said looking at Mia with a small laugh.

She turned around to face me and smiled confusingly, "I beg to differ."

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