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"Hi," I whispered as I stood at the front door.

"Hi," she replied softly, her hand on her baby bump.

Both of our faces were tear-stained, and her eyes were puffy. She was never good at hiding the fact she was crying.

"C-come in," she said, moving aside.

I smiled sadly and walked into the dark house, the door closing behind me as I walked into the lounge, dropping my bag down on the floor. Lizzie followed me in and stood in the doorway of the lounge looking a bit lost.

"Come here," I whispered.

She walked towards me softly, her bottom lip quivering as she did. I held my arms open, and she hugged me tightly, almost like she was afraid if she let go that I wouldn't be there anymore. I few tears fell down my cheeks and onto her shoulder. I kissed the side of her head as she sobbed softly into my chest. I ran my hand up and down her back and bit my bottom lip to stop myself from breaking down again.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

She nodded her head and pulled away to look at me, "I'm sorry for kicking you out, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time but- but I regreted it straight away and I didn't give you a chance to explain so- um- if you could explain-"

I nodded quickly and cupped her cheeks, "I didn't kiss her," I stated, "she kissed me, and I didn't have time to push her off and then you walked in and- and I didn't kiss her Elizabeth, honestly. When I said that there was nothing between Flo and I, it's because it's true ... I promise.

"I know," she whispered, "I knew that you wouldn't do that but just seeing it- it hurt me Y/N," she said, her voice breaking as her eyes became glassy again.

"I know a- and that's the last thing I wanted, I'm so sorry," I sighed.

"Can you tell Arthur that you can't work with her anymore please," she asked cautiously.

"I've already messaged him," I said.

Her shoulders dropped and she let out a shaky breath before nodding, looking down at her feet.

"Can I kiss you Elizabeth?" I asked.

She picked her eyes up to look at me softly, "its Lizzie," she whispered.

I smiled and pulled her closer to me by her waist before kissing her lips slowly and softly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled against my lips, pushing me back until my legs hit the sofa.

"Is this okay?" I asked, sitting down and pulling her onto my lap carefully, cautious of her belly.

She nodded and kissed me again, brushing her tongue over my bottom lip. There was no rush or lust behind the kiss, it was purely an expression of our love for one another. Her tears fell onto my cheeks and ran into our open-mouthed kisses. I pulled away with a little giggle.

"Am I that bad at kissing?" I smiled.

She laughed with a sniffle and wiped her cheeks, "I don't know why I'm still crying, I just-" she stopped to put her arms around my neck again, "-I love you so much, I hate arguing with you and I don't want this to cause an argument but..."

"Just be honest with me Liz, it's only me," I whispered.

She nodded and bit her cheek, "I can't help but think of the fact she was the last person to kiss you, she- I hate the fact she even got that close to you, let alone kiss you."

"What can I do to make this situation better?" I asked, "I'll do anything to make you feel comfortable."

"I don't know Y/N, I don't know if there is anything you can do. It's not even your fucking fault," she replied.

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