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I woke up just after midnight to knocking on my front door. Lizzie and I had fallen asleep on the sofa bring watching 'Friends' after our shower. We were both still in our towels and there were two half-drunk glasses of wine on the table in front of us as well as a half-eaten bag of Maltesers. I thought I was dreaming so I closed my eyes again, but moments later there was another knock.

"Who is that," Lizzie groaned, also waking up.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes, "fuck knows ... what time is it?" I asked her.

She sat up and unlocked her phone, "shit I've got 2 missed calls from Scarlet," she mumbled.

I furrowed my brows and unlocked my own phone, "fuck," I mumbled.

Five missed calls from Scarlet also flashed up on my phone screen. I looked up to meet Lizzie's concerned gaze.

"Y/N/N ARE YOU IN?" The voice behind the door shouted.

"I thought only Linda and Scarlet called you that- shit," she mumbled.

I quickly walked towards the door and opened it with a very wasted Scarlet staring back at me, her eyes bulging out of her head when she saw me.

"Y/N/N MY BEST FRIEND HOW ARE YOU," she shouted, running into my arms.

"Woah woah, are you okay?" I asked, her body heavy in my arms.

"I need- I need a kebab- OH I WOULD KILL FOR A KEBAB," she shouted wobbling towards the kitchen.

I followed her footing and looked at Lizzie, shrugging my shoulders.

"Scarlet hey what are you doing here?" she laughed awkwardly.

"Ooooo you saucy minx walking around in a towel," Scarlet giggled, turning to look at me, "oh my god you are also in a towel ... did you guys fuck in the shower?"

"Okay Scarlet, I think you need to sit down for a moment babe, I'll get you a glass of water," I mumbled, sitting her down on the sofa, "baby do you mind?" I asked Lizzie.

She nodded, walking over to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

"I really like Lizzie," Scarlet mumbled next to me.

I laughed and nodded my head, "yeah me too."

"You know who I don't like?" She asked, placing a finger on my chest.

"You don't like a lot of people Scarlet," I laughed.

"Yeah but I really don't like Mia," she told me, "I ran into her tonight you know."

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"In the pub- NO the club ... I think? I don't know BUT do you know who she was with?

"Who was she with Scarlet," I laughed as Lizzie sat down on the table to face us.

"M...K... Mary-Kate Olsen," she mumbled, taking a sip of water.

I quickly glanced up at Lizzie whose mouth was open. She rolled her eyes and quickly stood up and unlocked her phone. Three guesses what she's doing.

"Okay Scarlet, get some sleep and we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?" I said, brushing some hair out of her face with a sad smile.

She nodded her head and laid down, "I love you Y/N/N," she said bopping my nose.

"Love you too Scarlo, get some sleep," I said kissing her head before throwing a blanket over her.

I walked upstairs to Lizzie whisper shouting down the phone to her sister.

"... did you not fucking learn the first time? You know what- no, you're right, you're an adult so grow up MK," she mumbled before pulling the phone away from her ear and throwing it on the bed.

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