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Day 1

"...okay so I've got the boarding passes and the suitcase, and you have our hand luggage and snacks yeah?" I asked Lizzie as we were on our way to the airport.

She was staring out the window and not responding, "Liz?"

"Huh? Um yeah sure that'll be nice," she replied smiling at me.

"Liz, I asked if you have the hand luggage and snacks," I spoke slowly.

"Shit yeah sorry I have both," she said, squeezing my leg.

"You a nervous flyer?" I asked, placing my hand on hers.

"Mhm yeah slightly, it'll be fine when we're on the plane, it's just the beforehand that stresses me out," she said slowly.

I nodded my head and bought our hands up to my lips to kiss them, "let me know if you need anything."

She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder, rubbing my hand until we pulled up outside the airport.

"You ready?" I asked, giving her hand a slight squeeze.

She took a deep breath and nodded, "you grab the suitcase and I'll handle the rest."

I handed over our boarding passes after checking in our luggage and feeding Lizzie a croissant from Starbucks to calm her nerves.

"Okay," the flight attendant started, "have a lovely honeymoon."

"Honeymoon huh?" I said, nudging Lizzie's shoulder.

"Shut up Mrs Olsen," she replied, reaching to hold my hand.

"Mrs Olsen? Bold of you to assume I'll take your last name," I said with a laugh.

"I'm happy with Mrs Y/L/N too," she responded.

"No. No, I want to be Mrs Olsen don't take that away from me," I said, holding my hand against my chest to act offended.

"Well okay then Mrs Olsen, you ready for Italy?"

I nodded my head quickly, earning a laugh from Lizzie, "Come on let's get on the plane, in 3 hours we will be in Naples!!"

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know the plane announcement echoes over my limp body.

"Welcome to Naples International Airport, the time is 11.34 am and the temperature is 13 degrees Celsius..."

"Hey, you awake?" Lizzie asked, nudging my shoulder slightly.

"Mhm ... yeah I'm up I'm up," I groaned, stretching my legs out, "did I sleep the whole time?"

Lizzie laughed out of her nose while tying her ear pods into their case, "Yeah, you did. It's okay though it was quite cute."

I groaned again and unbuckled my seat belt, "how far is the hotel?"

"Ummm about a 30-minute drive from the airport but don't worry I've already booked us a cab," she replied, smiling at me.

"Mhm what would I do without you," I said sweetly, kissing her.

"Lucky for you, you'll never have to find out," she replied, "now come on, we need to get our suitcase!"

She grabbed my hands and pulled me off the plane, practically running towards the baggage claim conveyor belt. This is going to be an amazing few days.


"Y/N, baby," Lizzie whispered, poking my stomach, "we're at the hotel."

"Fuck did I fall asleep again?" I asked groggily.

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