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⚠️ Trigger Warning - Talk of sexual assault

"...OH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY," I shouted as I slammed through the front door at 4 am.

"I WANNA FEEL THE HEAT WITH SOMEBODY," Lizzie followed, pushing through the door until it slammed shut behind us.

I held my finger up to her lips, "shhhhh Lizzie people are asleeeeep."

She stuck her tongue out and licked my finger.

"EW ELIZABETH!" I shouted wiping my finger on my trousers.

She laughed as she wobbled towards the kitchen, "boo hoo, your tongue has been inside me, I think my saliva on your finger is the least of your worries."

"Lizzieeee, babyyyy, where are you going," I sang, lunging over to the kitchen to join her.

"Y/N what are you doing," she laughed, opening the fridge.

I sat on the kitchen side after two failed attempts to jump up and smiled drunkenly at her, "what are you doingggg."

"I am making us some toast because this," she said waving her hand in my direction, "is going to hurt in the morning."


She ran up to me and stood between my legs, holding her hand over my mouth, "Y/N! People are asleep it's 4 am," she laughed.

"So, what are you going to do about it," I smirked.

"Nothing," she said winking at me before walking over to finish making our toast.

I audible gasped and held my hand on my chest, "my own girlfriend doesn't want to fuck me."

"You are drunk Y/N, I am not going to have sex with you when you are hugely intoxicated. Drunk consent isn't consent," she said smiling, bringing my toast over to me.

She stood between my legs and smiled before taking a bite of my piece of toast.

"How did I get so lucky," I said leaning down to kiss her.

She smiled before reciprocating the kiss.

"My ex never had your self-control," I said laughing, taking a bite of my toast.

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously before taking another bite.

"If she wanted to have sex, she would do it," I said laughing again, "one time," I began, placing my toast down on the plate, "I woke up naked on her bed and couldn't even remember having sex with her," I said lazily.

"Did that happen just that once?" she asked, looking at me worried.

"Well, THAT happened once but," I said swallowing the food in my mouth, "one time we were at a party, and she took me to the toilet and told me that we were having sex, I mean – I said I didn't want to, but I probably didn't say no, I don't know I was quite drunk and probably high," I laughed.

"So, she took advantage of you?" Lizzie said quietly.

"I mean- yeah but I don't remember saying no so not really?" I questioned.

"Y/N do you realise that can be classed as sexual assault," she asked.

"But she was my girlfriend so it doesn't really-"

"No Y/N, baby, that's not right. I don't care how much you convince yourself that you loved each other and that it was okay. It wasn't," Lizzie spoke, placing her hands on my chest.

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