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We arrived home just after midnight; it was a bank holiday so neither of us had work tomorrow. Lizzie got us both a glass of wine after she had gotten changed into a jumper and shorts, leaving her hair and makeup the same. As she was in the kitchen, I put on some plaid pyjama bottoms and a sports bra before walking downstairs to be with Lizzie. She scrunched her nose when she saw me walking towards her, handing me a glass of wine. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips softly before pulling away with a smirk to take a sip of my drink.

"Do you want to smoke?" I asked pulling the glass away from my lips.

Lizzie nodded with a smile and took a big sip, "I'll be outside," she said, pecking my lips a few times before walking out through the sliding doors in the kitchen.

I skinned up quickly and grabbed my lighter before walking outside to join Lizzie in our small little jungle of a garden. As a London townhouse, the garden was only about 10 feet long but was full of loads of plants and a few strawberries and tomatoes that Lizzie was growing from scratch. We up worked a bench from a charity shop and painted it dark green to match the rest of the house. Lizzie was sitting on top of one of the pillows with her knees bent up, smiling at me as I walked outside to join her. I sat down and kissed the side of her head as she took a sip of her drink before lighting up the spliff in my mouth. I took a long drag and passed it over to Lizzie.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, moving so I was facing her.

Lizzie exhaled and hummed, "yeah go on," she smiled and turned to face me too, leaning her leg on mine.

"Can you talk me through how you felt tonight?" I asked, taking the spliff out of her fingers.

She nodded and took a deep breath, "jealous," she said matter-of-factly.

"Why jealous?" I asked.

"I don't know, just seeing him with Marlana and her wearing the ring he got me. I don't know it just felt weird," she said honestly.

I nodded, "I think that's natural," I agreed.

"I know I shouldn't feel jealous because I left him and I love you so so much and I'm so lucky that I am with you, but I don't know, I think seeing them like that was a bit too real for my liking. You know, when I left the house, he told me that he got that ring specifically for me because the gem matched my eyes or some bullshit like that," she said scoffing, taking the spliff from my hand to take a drag.

"You don't need to justify your emotions to me Liz, I am not Robbie. It was never going to be easy to see him again, especially in this particular situation but I'm proud of you and I'm really thankful that you came with me tonight," I said, placing my hand on her knee reassuringly.

She nodded and exhaled, passing the joint back over to me, "Yeah I know, it's so weird that a year ago I was engaged to him- we had a rehearsal dinner and everything, he was all I could see in my future and then you came into my life and changed it for the better, I'm really lucky to have met you," she said looking into my eyes.

"I feel the same, I'm really excited for our future together," I said with a big smile.

She reciprocated it and blushed, "me too. Thank you for not swinging at him tonight," she laughed.

"It was difficult don't get me wrong, but I didn't really want another bruise on my face," I giggled.

She smiled and took a drag before passing the joint back to me, "you could've taken him," she muttered.

I laughed so hard that I coughed and accidently inhaled the smoke.

"Don't fucking die on me Y/L/N," she laughed, patting my back.

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