Anchovy toast

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"And good morning to you Jessica," I spoke cheerily as I danced up to my desk.

"Morning?" She said looking up at me confused.

I smiled and sat down at my desk, opening my laptop, and smiling even larger at my lock screen of Lizzie.

"How are you on this glorious morning," I said turning to face Jess who was still looking at me with confusion.

"Good?" she said with caution, "are you all right Y/N?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said with a smile.

"Because of the whole Milo Greene thing, because you just took two weeks of work?" She said confused at my happiness.

"Yeah, but life's too short," I spoke, looking back to my computer.

"You sure you're okay?" She asked again, laughing slightly.

"Jess I'm fine," I said smiling, "I'm great actually."

She nodded and smiled sceptically before turning back to her own laptop to work. I looked at the clock. Four hours till lunch.

Have you ever wondered what two weeks off work looks like? 341 emails. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE. I didn't even know I knew that many fucking people. I decided to start by narrowing it down, starting with everything entitled 'Milo Greene'.

Fwd from AGoodwin: Y/N Y/L/N
Dear Arthur Goodwin,

It has come to our attention that Y/N Y/L/N has been having relations with one of our band members' fiancés. Their engagement is over due to this discovery. We do not wish to press this issue further but request that Miss Y/L/N be replaced as our liaison with your publishing house.

Management of Milo Greene

"What a fucking joke," I muttered under my breath before deleting the chain of emails relating to the band.

I almost feel relieved that I won't have to deal with them anymore and that they're Jess' problem now.

After what felt like years, I had eventually gotten through 50% of the emails when I saw Jess waving her hand in front of my face, I pulled out my headphones and looked at her.

"Finally! It's lunchtime," she said with a laugh.

I smiled and threw my stuff in my bag before speed walking out of the building and towards the familiar café. Sat towards the back was my gorgeous green-eyed girlfriend, two empty mugs in front of her as well as a packaged sandwich.

"Heyy," I said as I sat down on the sofa bench next to her, leaning my back on her left arm and putting my feet up in front of me.

She pulled her Air Pods out and leaned down to kiss me with a smile, "hey baby, how is work?"

"So fucking long," I said with a laugh, reaching over to grab the egg and cress sandwich, "I had so many emails from the last two weeks, it has literally taken all morning."

"At least you're halfway through the day now," she said, taking a bite out of a piece of her loaded toast, "only four hours after lunch and you get to come home."

I sat up and hummed before looking at her toast, "what the fuck is that," I said looking at her toast.

"Anchovy toast," she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry- anchovy toast?" I asked, making sure I heard her currently.

She nodded and took another bite.

"As in the tiny fishes?" I spoke.

She hummed and laughed at the disgust painted on my face.

"Why would you- how- what," I laughed.

"Try it," she said holding it out.

I shook my head, "ew, no, look at it."

"So- you'll eat all my food even when I buy you your own but won't even try a bite of this," she laughed, "it's really good Y/N."

"Mhm I don't know," I said laughing, "what will I get out of it," I queried.

She scrunched her eyebrows as she thought and smirked before leaning over to whisper in my ear, "I'll let you use the new toys I bought with me from my house," she whispered, pulling away to see my face.

"What are these toys? I would like to know before I eat that," I said, pointing at her bread.

"That was not part of the deal Y/L/N," she said smiling before hovering the toast in my direction.

"Fine," I gave in, taking a bite of the food, "oh my god," I said, my mouth still full, "that's fucking amazing what the hell," I said.

Lizzie was laughing, "I told you! You need to listen to me more often," she said proudly.

"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you," I replied smirking.

She looked me in the eye, taking another bite of her food and purposely moaning out loud, keeping eye contact with me.

"You're playing with fire Lizzie," I spoke, placing my hand on the inside of her thigh.

She tried to show that it didn't affect her, but I saw her breath hitch, "maybe I like the fire," she said seductively.


"Y/N Y/L/N, keep it fucking PG please I can hear you and Lizzie whispering from the counter," Scarlet said quietly shouting and hitting me with a tea towel.

"Okay sorry," I laughed with Lizzie giggling next to me.

She shook her head and walked off back over to the counter giving me the 'I'm watching you' eyes.

"You should probably get back to work," Lizzie said, kissing my shoulder.

I nodded and squeezed her knee before turning round to kiss her.

"I'll see you tonight," I mumbled against her lips as she kissed me.

"Looking forward to it," she said with a devilish smile.

I pulled my bag back on my shoulder and gave her one last, long kiss, "I love you."

"I. Love. You. Too," she said in between kisses.

I walked to the front of the café and blew her another kiss before leaving to go back and do four hours more of work.


After a long ass day, work was finally done, and I don't think I have ever run home so fast in my life. As I approached my front door, I heard music playing from inside. Shaking from excitement, I pulled out my door key and turned it in the hole.

The apartment was dimly lit with candles everywhere and a half-dressed Lizzie standing with two wine glasses in the middle of the kitchen.

"Welcome home," she said with a smile.

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