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God, I love a bath. We must have sat in the warm water for an hour, just chatting about life and what we are looking forward to on this trip. Lizzie had booked a really lovely restaurant for this evening, or so she says. She won't tell me the name because she wants it to remain as secret as possible. She got out of the bath first and then helped me out, passing me one of the towel swans that we had thrown off the bed earlier. As I tied the towel around my waist there was a knock on the door and a few moments later, Lizzie walked into the bedroom with two Pornstar Martinis.

"For you," she said handing it to me.

"Thank you ever so kindly," I responded smiling at her.

I took a sip and hummed before putting it on the side to moisturise my legs. I took my towel off and sat down at the side of the bed. Lizzie sat and watched.

"Can I help you Olsen?" I said with a smirk.

"Can I do that?" she asked, pointing to the moisturiser.

"Be my guest- but no funny business, we have a dinner reservation to make," I said handing her the cream.

"You and I both know I can make you cum in under five minutes," she muttered, rubbing her hands up and down my legs, massaging when she felt they were tense.

"Yeah, but if you start, I'm not going to want to stop," I smirked.

She leaned forward and kissed my lips softly before finishing her work on my legs.

"How are you with boats?" she asked before passing tapping my legs to tell me she had finished.

"Depends on the size of the boat?" I responded curiously.

She hummed before sitting next to me, drinking her drink. She hung up both of our towels on the drying rack and left us both naked on the bed, sipping our cocktails.

"Do you want to play a game?" she asked, resting her back on the headboard.

I hummed, "yeah what game are you thinking?"

"20 questions, we'll start vanilla, and we can build up to the spicier questions," she responded quickly, taking another sip.

I moved so I was facing her, my legs up by the headboard and my head by the end of the bed.

"Okay I'll start," she said, taking another sip of her drink, "who was your gay awakening?"

"Easy, Rose Tyler from Dr Who," I replied, "what about you?"

"Probably Drew Barrymore I can't lie, little Lizzie loved her," she said with a smile.

"Cute, okay my turn," I said while thinking, "What is your body count and who was the best?"

"That is two questions, but I'll let it slide. My body count is five and of course, the best is you," she said with a smirk, "your go."

"Correct answer, I think my body count is 6?" I responded.

"You think?" she asked.

I hummed, "mhm yeah, I don't know if one of them counts so let's go with 6.5- oh and the best I've had was probably a girl I hooked up with when I was 18," I said.

"You best be joking Y/L/N," she dared.

"Of course I'm joking baby, you're the best by far. Your go," I said with a laugh.

"Good save... um- how old were you when you had your first kiss?" she asked curiously.

"16, it was on top of a Ferris wheel. What about you?"

"I think I was 15, brace face, I was laying on my boyfriend at the times bed, it was the worst thing ever," she laughed.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad," I laughed, "okay, what is your biggest turn-off?"

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