Not very PG

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A/N - Mum if you're reading this, I suggest you stop now xoxo

"What- what is going on," I said laughing slightly.

She walked up to me, placing the wine glasses down, shaking her head and laughing quietly, "you talk too much," she said, kissing me passionately.

I kissed her back with the same passion and ran my tongue along her bottom lip, she granted me access immediately. She took my bag off my shoulder and dropped it to the floor followed quickly by my coat and blazer. 

I tapped her legs to get her to jump up and she did so, no questions asked. I pushed off the wine glasses, shattering them on the floor and placed her on top of the kitchen island. Not breaking our kiss once. She moaned lightly as I pushed her legs open to stand between them. 

I ran my hands down the side of her body and undone the robe she was wearing, pushing it off her shoulders, I pulled away from the kiss to look at her. My breath hitched when I saw the only thing under her robe was a lace lingerie body suit, complete with a matching lace garter and a perfectly carved opening between her legs.

"You look fucking incredible," I whispered to her.

She placed her finger under to chin to turn my attention back to her eyes. A smirk was planted on her face as she pulled me closer, closing the gap between us again. 

I pulled her towards the end of the kitchen counter, pushing her front against mine making her moan into my mouth. I moved my lips from her lips to her neck. Sucking lightly where it affects her the most. She moaned again and bucked her hips slightly against mine, trying to gain some sort of friction. I placed my hand on her lower stomach and slowly pushed her down on the kitchen side, understanding my method, she lifted her legs up as I lowered my head between her legs. Kissing up her thigh her breath got quicker until I kissed the spot between her legs that was already glistening wet.

"Mph please baby," she moaned, holding the back of my head.

I smiled and dived into her pussy, licking up and down, changing my pressure with each move. She was bucking her hips into my tongue making me fuck her even harder.

"I need more," she breathed out.

I kept my face where it was and dove my tongue inside her. A leud moan left her throat as she arched her back and threw her head towards the marbled surface. I could feel she was already close as my tongue dived in and out of her throbbing cunt. I moved my sucking to her clit and quickly dove straight into her with three fingers.

"FUCK OH MY GOD," she screamed, moving her hands from my head to the kitchen side, "fuck fuck keep going baby," she moaned as I pushed in and out of her, stretching her the way she loves.

Her walls began to flutter around my fingers telling me she was about to finish so I switch around and pressed harshly on her clit with my fingers while diving my tongue back into her. The instant change in pressure made her cum into my mouth. I let her ride out her first high of the night before lifting her up off the side to kiss me. She smiled into the kiss, tasting herself on my tongue. 

Lizzie pulled away with a large smile and wipe her arousal from around my mouth with her thumb before putting it back in her mouth and sucking it clean. I picked her up off the side as she wrapped her legs around my waist while I walked us to my bedroom (trying to avoid the broken glass on the floor).

She took off my t-shirt and unclipped my bra, leaving them in a trial behind as I walked us over to the bed. I laid her down on the bed and moved her up with my arms, so her head was placed on the pillow, and I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

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