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I woke up early to the smell of coffee and the sound of birds echoing throughout the bedroom. Lizzie must already be awake as it sounded like the window was open and the fresh breeze was flushing my face. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw Lizzie walking into our bedroom holding two cups of coffee with a big smile on her own face.

"Happy valentine's day-eve," she smiled, placing my coffee on the bedside table.

I sat up and giggled, "happy valentine's day-eve."

"You ready to go back to work?" she asked sitting down next to me.

I groaned and placed my mug down, cuddling into her waist, "no I don't want to go," I groaned.

"Yeah no one likes work," she laughed.

"You're okay, you get to work from home," I reminded her.

"And you've been off for nearly two weeks," she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

I groaned again and sat up, brushing through my hair, "what time is it?"

"7.30," she said, "oh also I made you lunch, it's in the fridge."

I smiled and turned to face her, planting a kiss on her head, "what would I do without you," I said before walking into the bathroom to shower.

I left the door open and heard her feet pattering along the wooden floor after me. I turned around and smile when I saw her coming into the bathroom to join me.

"Oh hi," I said innocently as if I expected her not to follow me.

"Shower?" she said with a smile, pointing to the running water.

I laughed and kissed her head before stepping under the shower, holding Lizzie's hand and pulling her under the water with me. She grabbed the loofa before slowly washing my body with her vanilla body wash, smiling up at me softly through her eyelashes. Water droplets from the shower sat on her eyelashes and created a reflection of her green eyes. I smiled back and kissed her lips softly before taking the loofa and switching roles. I cleaned her body and then we both rinsed. With no time for anything else, I stepped out of the shower and held my hand out to help her. She thanked me and tied her towel around her body and pushed some stray hairs out of her face before throwing me a towel which I tied around my waist. Following her out of the bathroom, I took a few large sips of my now-drinkable coffee and started on getting ready. I pulled my hair into two braids that sat on the back of my head and put some basic makeup on. I had been off work since Grandma's funeral and I didn't plan on going back looking like I had been mourning for the past 3 weeks, even though I had. I put on a white oversized t-shirt and tucked it into some black tailored trousers. When I finished with the basics, I drank the rest of my coffee and smiled when I saw Lizzie making the bed. I cannot begin to describe how surreal this is to be living with her in my childhood home that meant so much to me, the house I grew up in, the house that Grandma lived in and now belonged to us and held our future together. As soon as I thought about our future, a small furry figure walked into the bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"Oh my god we have a cat," I remembered, walking over to him and kissing his tiny head.

"Did you forget that in the eight hours we were sleeping?" Lizzie laughed.

I giggled, "yes look at him, he's so baby," I said in a baby voice, kissing his head a few times until he was sick of me.

Lizzie smiled sweetly and walked over to me. She was wearing a pair of blue mom jeans and a burnt orange t-shirt. She placed her arms around my neck and stared into my eyes like she was reading everything about me. I winked, causing her to giggle before she pushed our lips together in a sweet kiss.

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