Kiss and tell

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"Care to explain what the fuck is going on?" Scarlet said with an unimpressed look as she stood at my front door.

Pushing her way in past me and taking a seat on the sofa, she sat in silence as I closed the door, "come in," I said sarcastically.

"Y/N I am your best friend you need to keep me in the loop, why did I see Lizzie leaving your apartment this morning looking like she had spent more time in your sheets than anything else?"

"Probably because she did," I replied laughing slightly.

"Fucking explain please!" she spoke, now looking at me with desperation to find out what happened.

"She came over, well – she invited herself over. We spoke and had a few drinks and then she asked about my childhood-"

"Shit and how much did you tell her?" Scarlet said, interrupting my sentence.

I gave her a side eye for the interruption, "literally nothing, I kind of snapped and we got into a hit of a heated situation. One thing led to another and I kissed her-"

"FUCKING FINALLY," Scarlet replied.

"Scar, are you going to let me tell my story?" I said back to her, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, yeah go on..." she smirked.

"So, we kissed, for a while actually and I think you can put the pieces of the puzzle together from there," I said smiling a little too hard.

"You really like her don't you?" Scar said as if she read my mind.

"Is it obvious?"

"Is it obvious? Scarlet mimicked, "I've never seen you blush so much; it makes me sick."

Scarlet was right of course, she often is. I don't think I have ever felt this way about someone before. When it's just Lizzie and I, it's like we are in our own bubble and there is no one else in the world. This morning proved to me that maybe I liked her more than I thought I did. Everything felt so natural around her, it felt easy. Her auburn hair and those stupid green eyes acting like ivy growing around me. In these short few weeks, she has managed to invade every waking thought and become the main character of every dream. I could really see myself falling for this girl and that scared the shit out of me. I've never let anyone as close to me as I have let her-

"Y/N, hey I lost you there for a second," Scarlet said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Shit sorry, I was just thinking," I said.

"About Lizzie?" Scarlet asked.

I nodded my head and turned my whole body to look at her, "Scar she's amazing, god I don't even know where to begin."

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time Y/N, don't let her go," Scar replied sincerely.

A buzz from my phone pulled me away from the conversation and turned my attention down to my lap.

Lizzie <3
I had a lovely evening and morning, thank you :)

"Lizzie?" Scar assumed.

"Mhm yeah," I locked my phone screen and looked back up to Scarlet who had a smug look painted on her face.

"Well, on that note I am off because you need a shower and some concealer on that neck of yours. Oh, and please open a fucking window, your whole apartment smells like sex," she said, placing a kiss on the top of my head and letting herself out of the front door.

Me too, I'll see you soon? x

Lizzie <3
See you soon lovely, let me know when you're free x

"Alexa, play 'I'm feeling good' by Michael Bublé,"


I had spent the morning dancing around my apartment, picking up the clothes that Lizzie had taken off me last night and cleaning the coffee machine. When I walked over to the sink to clean the mugs that she had placed there earlier on in the day, a small piece of paper stuck to the bottom side of her mug. Switching off the tap I pulled it away from where it was stuck to reveal a kiss mark left by Lizzie. At what point she managed to do this, I'm not sure but it made me smile a little bit too much. Pulling out my phone, I opened my messages to Scarlet's contact.

*Y/N sent a photo*

Ew that's so cuteee


A/N - this is a very short one to build on Scarlets friendship with Y/N before we dive into the real world that Y/N has been avoiding ...

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