Blow jobs

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"I want to go clubbing," I said into the emptiness.

Lizzie was lying next to me, in my arms, her hand on my chest drawing small circles. The duvet ended up on the floor at some point during the night and our clothes were scattered around.

Lizzie laughed and patted my chest a few times as she spoke, "like right now?"

"Mhm, yeah. It's a Friday night. We won't be young forever," I said kissing the top of her head.

"Okay party girl," she said, looking up at me, "you'll have to give me ten minutes though, my legs feel like jelly."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't hear you complaining when my face was between your legs," I smirked at her.

"Ah ah," she said putting a finger up, "I was not complaining, I very much enjoyed that. Just give me ten minutes," she responded with a smile.

I leaned forward and licked her nose before getting out of bed to start getting ready.

"Y/N what the fuck, where are you going," Lizzie said, laying down with an emphasised sigh that I wasn't there.

"Clubbing," I smirked, walking to the bathroom butt naked.

When I came back into the bedroom Lizzie was standing there in her matching lace set that I had thrown across the room a few hours ago. On the bed lay three different black dresses that all, in my opinion, looked exactly the same. I walked up behind her and put my hands around her waist, leaning my head on her shoulder. She reached her hand up put it on my cheek and leaned her head into mine.

"I don't know which one to wear," she spoke.

I looked at her and saw her thinking face. I noticed that when she thought really hard her eyebrows scrunched together. I pressed my thumb where her eyebrows were scrunching.

"You were thinking too hard," I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

"Which one should I wear?" She asked looking towards me as I pulled on a fresh pair of pants and a sports bra.

"Trick question, they're all the same," I replied with a smirk.

"Cute," she mocked before turning her attention back to the dresses.

"The middle one," I spoke, nodding towards the dress on the bed, "it makes your boobs look good."

"Sometimes you're just as bad as a man," she replied laughing.

I pulled on some black cargo trousers and a tank top that sat just above my belly button before fixing my hair and putting in some plain hoop earrings.

"Lizard why are you still looking at the dresses?" I asked as I re-entered the bedroom to see her still standing in the same position.

"Lizard?" She repeated, turning to me in the doorway.

"I heard your sister say it yesterday," I replied with a smile, "it's cute."

"You're cute," she spoke nodding at me, "I mean – not in that outfit. In that outfit, you look fucking hot but that doesn't help me choose what to wear."

I walked towards her and placed my hands on her cheeks, "I'm no fashion expert but I have an idea," I said with a smile.

"That's unnerving," she replied with confusion.

I held out my hand for her to take, "do you trust me?"

"With my life," she spoke, grabbing hold of my hand.

I lead her over to the wardrobe and pulled out one of my oversized work shirts, I turned around to see Lizzie's confusion.

"Hear me out," I said undoing the buttons, "this shirt with-" I scanned my bedroom until I found what I was looking for, "these earrings and-" I turned on the spot until I remembered where I put them, "these shoes," I finished with a proud smile, "and maybe a belt if you want it."

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