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"Can we get massages later?" Lizzie asked, getting my attention by running her foot up my leg under the table in the restaurant at lunch on the first day.

I nodded with a smile as I took a bite of my fresh avocado toast, "mhm I was looking at the stuff that is around here and I was thinking we could go for dinner tonight. There are a few restaurants around the park."

"Oooo yeah, can we dress up?" she asked excitedly.

I scrunched my nose and smiled, "yeah I don't see why not."

"Hello ladies, can I get you guys any more drinks?" asked the waiter as he came back over towards us.

I nodded and put my toast on the plate, "can I please get a Prosecco and- Lizzie?"

"Uhh I'll just have an orange juice please," she said looking at the man with a smile.

He nodded and walked off again, leaving us alone.

"In 9 months, I'm going to have a whole bottle of prosecco," she stated.

I laughed and shook my head, "after pushing our human out of your vagina, you can have whatever you want baby."

"I hope you know I'll be holding you to your word," she said eating the last of her berry compote off her plate.

I giggled and continued eating my avocado toast. Lizzie ran her foot up and down my exposed calve under the table slowly. We were both sat in our bikinis and dressing gowns after going for a swim and a slightly naughty sauna. I braided her hair, so it was in two dutch braids that sat perfectly around her collarbones. Despite the fact she wasn't wearing any makeup she looked so fucking beautiful, her skin was glowing, and her green eyes were shining from the light above the table.

"You're starring again," she said, nudging my leg and pulling me out of my daydream.

I smiled and looked into her eyes, "I'm not staring, I'm admiring."

She scrunched her nose and smiled sweetly, reaching out to hold my hand over the table. I reached my hand out and ran my thumb gently over the back of her hand. The waiter bought our drinks over in little plastic glasses as we made our way towards the massage room.

"Good afternoon," the very woman at the desk welcomed as we walked towards her, "what can I get for you two?" she asked as she flowed her pashmina around her person.

I felt Lizzie trying to hold in a giggle at the way the woman spoke.

"Can we both get the full body massages please?" I smiled.

She nodded and started typing something on the keyboard in front of her, "are you or could you be pregnant?" she asked looking up.

"Umm my girlfriend could be," I said smiling at Lizzie proudly.

She squeezed my hand with a sweet smile and turned her attention back to the masseuse.

She looked at us cluelessly, like there wasn't nothing going on behind her eyes, "how?"

"How what?" I asked with an awkward laugh.

Surely she can't be serious.

"How could she be pregnant?" she asked.

No, she is a certifiable idiot.

I looked at Lizzie and back at her, "I have a penis," I said bluntly.

Lizzie chuckled quietly behind me, poorly trying to cover it up with a cough.

"Ah okay that makes sense," she said, something clicking in her tiny little brain, "she can't get the full body massage as it involves pressure around her stomach, but I can organise a back massage?" she asked.

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