Chapter 62 Master, You Let Me Get Ready

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Lei Che used to be the king of special forces, and he led a group of small soldiers under him, so he naturally had his own way of training people.

He set a rule for the little guy, he would hit him every time he asked a question, if Chen Xi hesitated to tell the truth because of guilty conscience, he would hit him again every five seconds, and it would be harder than before. until the little guy couldn't stand the pain, so he confessed it. During this period, acting like a baby and cheating won't work.

Gradually, Chen Xi became obedient, lying on the stone bed, sniffling his nose, pricking up his long ears, and rolling his big eyes around, whenever Lei Che finished asking a question, he didn't care what happened. If you answer quickly, you can often mutter a lot of words in three seconds, and the small mouth clicks, as if your tongue has been scalded by hot noodles, making Lei Che dumbfounded.

Lei Che was calculating the time in his mind, and he squeezed his strength in his hands. He didn't have the heart to really embarrass Chen Xi, and soon asked the last question.

"I ask you, do you dare to run around in the future?"

"No, no, no more, sir." Chen Xi suddenly got stuck, tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt It seemed a little insincere to speak so fast, so I clenched my little paws, slowed down, and continued word by word: "I, later, then, also, no, dare! Lord!"

Listen At this point, Lei Che was almost blown away, little bastard, this is for you to admit your mistake, not for you to play tricks.

Stretching out his big hands and pressing them on Chen Xi's shoulder blades, Lei Che directly pushed the little guy down, making it difficult for him to even turn over.

Chen Xi had a bad premonition, and only then remembered that the branch in his hand didn't seem to have fallen off after the master asked the question just now! Is it possible to have a ruthless shot?

"Master, you've pinched my neck. Can you loosen it? Loosen it?" Chen Xi cautiously probed, and Chen Xi's heart hung up again. Big hands escaped.

"You son of a bitch, don't try to play tricks with me. I tell you, this last one is for you to remember. If you dare to run around disobediently in the future, just think about how it feels. Now lie down and let me bear it." Let's go!" Lei Che said this with a stern face, and originally wanted to do it directly, he held up the branches in his hands, but Chen Xi's scream made his head dizzy and his eyes dazzled.

"Ah!!! Master, can you wait for a while!"

"Fucking bastard, what do you have to say?" Lei Che put down the branch in his hand, rubbed his temples irritably, and shouted impatiently road.

"Master, before you hit me, can you let me get ready?" Chen Xi turned his head with difficulty, looked at Lei Che pitifully with his big wet eyes, and asked in a weak voice.

This cute attack almost emptied Lei Che's blood tank. After being stunned for three seconds, Lei Che yelled angrily: "You have to prepare before you are beaten. Who is used to your stinky problems? I won't obey you!" I'm watching you, you fucking lie down for me."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was not discouraged, his big eyes seemed to be more rounded, and the fog in his eyes seemed to be thicker, and he saw the little guy struggling He took out his little paws from under his body, bowed together reverently, and said

in a soft voice: "Please, Lord!" What about cards? I'm going to beat you up, so why don't you treat me like I'm playing with you?

Still begging Lao Tzu, do you think I will soften my heart if I beg Lao Tzu? Is Lao Tzu so unprincipled?

When Lei Che heard this, he didn't react for a long time. He just felt a little itchy in his nose.

The tiger's eyes were about to pop out of the sockets, Lei Che gritted his teeth, his majesty as Lord Lei was ruined like this, this little vixen, he can seduce people at his best! !

"I'll give you three seconds, get ready, you little bastard!" Lei Che taught with a gloomy expression while covering his nose.

Hearing this, Chen Xi didn't dare to delay, adjusted his lying posture, tightened his ass, inserted his right hand between the fingers of his left hand, placed it on his chest, closed his big eyes, opened and closed his small mouth Together, it seems to be praying devoutly.

When all this was completed, Chen Xi lowered his head, and roared as if death was at home: "Master, I'm ready!"

Hearing this roar, Lei Che's feet were unsteady, and he almost fell down. This little bastard, he had to let it go. Was it such a surprise?

Lei Che squinted at Chen Xi, snorted coldly, and raised the branch in his hand again. If Lei Che hadn't used any force just now, then Lei Che originally planned to use three points of force for the last blow. Yes, but after Chen Xi made such a fuss just now, Lei Che couldn't get up and down in his heart, and only had 25% of his strength left.

With a crisp "pop", Chen Xi's tense body suddenly collapsed, and the little guy buried his face in his arms, and he didn't make a sound for a long time. After a while, there was a slight whimper rushing out of his throat.

The last blow was over, and Lei Che's anger was almost gone. He took a step forward and put his big hand on Chen Xi's buttocks. Lei Che slowed down his strength and kneaded gently, which could relax the tendons and activate the blood.

"I went crazy looking for you yesterday, you still have the face to cry, hold back for me, do you hear me?"

Hearing this, Chen Xi did not dare to cry any more, but his small body became twitching It was twitching, maybe it was a little itchy buttocks, Chen Xi stretched out his small paws and scratched it furtively, but the touch seemed to hurt again, so he gasped and retracted his small paws again, unable to pass After a while, I couldn't help but poked out and scratched again.

When Lei Che saw this scene, he couldn't laugh or cry. He knew the strength he used, so it only hurt a little, and it wouldn't make the little guy too hard!

Stretching out his big hand, he picked up the little guy's face, as expected, his face was covered with tears, as if he was so wronged, seeing Lei Che looking at him, Chen Xi bit the thumb of one hand on his mouth In the middle of the day, he started to giggle again, and finally whimpered and whimpered, a snot bubble popped out of his small nostril, and burst open with a bang.

Chen Xi didn't cry anymore, he stared at the big innocent eyes, his whole body was stiff, Lei Che couldn't laugh or cry, his resolute face twisted together, and it was hard to hold back his laughter.

Afraid of Chen Xi's embarrassment, Lei Che stretched out his hand, rubbed Chen Xi's nose, and then hurriedly comforted him: "Baby, I don't want to beat you either. You have to be obedient in the future and don't make me angry anymore. Do you understand?" In the end, Lei Che's heart relented, he took Chen Xi's small head, and kissed those big wet eyes with his mouth.

Lei Che's chin had already grown dense green stubble, and it hurt and itched Chen Xi a little bit, but finally burst into laughter, Chen Xi giggled, and kept dodging.

"Okay, this time I'm going to wait obediently in the cave for my master to come back. It's been half the morning, and it's time for my master to go hunting!" After finishing speaking, Lei Che was about to get up, even though he hadn't eaten all day yesterday and stayed up all night. He stayed up all night, but he can't slack off at all. If he wants to live a good life, he has to work hard. The big deal is to hunt less prey this morning and come back early. When he comes back, he will stew all the wild boar, spinach and wild vegetables yesterday, little guy I had a high fever all night yesterday and sweated a lot. I must be hungry. I need to eat something good to replenish my strength.

As a result, Lei Che was halfway up when he was grabbed by a small hand. He lowered his head to see that Chen Xi was looking at Lei Che beggingly with big eyes, and said slowly, "Master, come back early. I'll be bored by myself!"

"Okay, I'll be back soon!" With a big grin, Lei Che took advantage of the opportunity to slap Chen Xi's face, and then picked up the crossbow on the ground, happily got out of the cave.

This time, Chen Xi didn't dare to take half a step out of the cave. His little butt was still in pain. Looking around, Chen Xi's little feet climbed up the rock like a stupid bear. The bed, and then the whole body tensed up, and fell into a deep sleep.

The battle of wits and courage with the master just now exhausted him, and as soon as he relaxed, the sleepiness came up, smash it, smash it, Chen Xi went to see Duke Zhou in his dream after a while, and opened his mouth slightly. A bright halazi gradually left in the small mouth!

When Lei Che came back, he carried a medium-sized wild deer on his back. It was the one he gave up yesterday. Unexpectedly, he was lucky and ran into it again today. However, this wild deer was really vigilant. Lei Che was lurking The body fought guerrilla warfare with it all morning before finally capturing it.

This is a wild deer, and the deerskin and antlers are very valuable. When they get it to the pawn shop, they should be able to exchange for a lot of money, so that the clothes he wants to buy for the little husband will be completely secured.

In a good mood, Lei Che carried the wild deer into the cave, only to see the little guy lying on the stone bed with his butt up, in an extremely awkward position, soundly asleep.

Lei Che grinned, but without waking him up, he lightly put down his bow and crossbow, and went out of the cave on his own, carrying the fox and wild boar that were hunted yesterday down the mountain, to the lake at the foot of the mountain , randomly found an open space by the lake, squatted down, and began to skin the prey to get meat.

Fox skin and wild deer skin are the most valuable, and must be completely peeled off. Lei Che only has the blunt knife that Chen Xi brought in his small bag, but fortunately, he is good at using knives, as long as he holds his breath and concentrates Pay attention, be extra careful with your hands, peeling off a complete piece of skin is not a problem.

Fox meat is inedible, it tastes too strong, but wild venison and wild boar are delicious. Lei Che has almost handled it, so he holds three bloody furs in one hand, and the skinned skin in the other. flesh and blood, walking steadily towards the direction of the cave

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