Chapter 98 The Big Bug That Grandpa Made Is So Prestige!

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There is a saying in Huaxia, which is called looking for someone. Two people must have something in common before they can develop into friends or lovers.

Shen Rui found Xie Yi, and the two naturally have something in common, such as: dexterity!

In the spacious big kitchen, Shen Rui and Xie Yi stood side by side in front of the brand-new desk, with their hands moving back and forth, each using the dough to make shapes they liked.

Except for their hands and wrists, the rest of their bodies were not stained with a trace of flour, and the shape of the bean paste pies quietly placed on the plate looked pleasing to the eye.

In the beginning, it was only Shen Rui who was doing it, and Xie Yi was watching, but after a while, Xie Yi understood the main points, and then became itchy, and bravely snatched a piece of dough from Shen Rui's hands Come, Xie Yi did it himself, but unexpectedly the result was unexpectedly delicate.

And from then on, between the two of them is you and me, tenderness and sweetness, Xie Yi pinches flowers, Shen Rui pinches birds, Xie Yi pinches bright moon, Shen Rui pinches fine wine, no matter how you look at it, they are the most compatible .

Raising his hand, he scraped Xie Yi's nose with his index finger stained with flour. Shen Rui pinned a strand of hair hanging from Xie Yi's forehead to the back of his head, leaving a pure white mark on the man's full temples. .

Lei Che raised his eyes inadvertently, and saw the scene in front of him, feeling very itchy in his heart, you said that they are two elders, and both of them are from special forces, why is this boy Shen so good at flirting? As for him, he is careless and doesn't know how to please Fu Lang!

Lowering his head, Lei Che planned to follow suit, dipped some more flour on his index finger, and raised his hand to scrape his husband's snub nose, but as soon as he turned his head away, he stared blankly at the tiger. eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

I saw that the little guy turned into a powdery flour monkey. Except for those big black eyes, there was no part of his body that was not covered with flour.

The big hand stood frozen in mid-air, Lei Che let out a long sigh of frustration, then under the little guy's puzzled stare, he awkwardly rubbed his head with the raised big hand, brushing out a zebra crossing in the middle of the black hair Come on, let Chen Xi, who saw this scene, cover his mouth and start laughing uncontrollably.

If there is anything in common between Chen Xi and Lei Che, it should be handicapped!

In fact, Lei Che's hands are still quite superb. When he does carpentry work, he is unambiguous in his work as a bricklayer. Carving a flower or a bird is like a joke, and he can also cook, but he doesn't Shen Rui has so many tricks, in his opinion, this meal is just to fill his stomach, as long as it is delicious, as far as this bean paste pie is concerned, just make a dumpling and stuff the bean paste filling whole, it is simple and rude , the taste is still the same! Save time and effort.

And kneading this dough is like kneading plasticine, it's soft and has no strength, Lei Che is really not interested, but he glanced at it and saw the little guy beside him with inexhaustible strength, The waist is bent, the sleeves are rolled up, as if they are going to have a big fight together, Lei Che can't give up halfway, so he can only helplessly accompany him to the end.

Chen Xi originally wanted to pinch a little rabbit, but after pinching it again and again, he couldn't feel it. The semi-finished product now looks like a four-dimensional thing, which is strange no matter how you look at it.

Helpless, Chen Xi could only temporarily stop his movements, instead wringing his fingers secretly, poking his head and peeking at Lei Che's results.

Seeing the works on his grandfather's chopping board, Chen Xi's big almond eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't control his exclamation.

"Wow, lord, this big bug you pinched is really majestic!"

Hearing this, Lei Che's old face darkened, the corners of his mouth twitched in anger, and his temples on both sides of his forehead twitched!

big bug? This little bastard, did his eyes grow to his buttocks? He obviously pinched a dragon, okay? How did it become a big bug?

Lei Che raised his tiger eyes and gave the little guy a hard look, then rubbed and rubbed indiscriminately, destroying his "Shenlong" completely, then squeezed it into a little bastard, and put it in Chen Xi's hands. On top of the hairy head!

Chen Xi curled his lips, wondering why he ignited his master's explosives again? He obviously said words of praise, right? Hey, gentlemen, the sea needle is really unpredictable.

He carefully took off the little bastard on the top of his head and placed it in a small plate. This is the only fruit of his and his father's labor, and he must cherish it.

Turning his gaze, and returning his attention to the dough in front of him, Chen Xi rubbed the palms of his hands, made a fierce face, spat in each of his two little paws, and then became high-spirited again.

Seeing this scene, Lei Che's old face instantly contorted, and his whole body turned iron blue. He swore that no matter what the dough in the little guy's hand turned into, he would never eat it!

After kneading it for a long time, it still doesn't look like a rabbit at all, it's concave in the middle and upturned on both sides. From Lei Che's squinting eyes, it looks like a rabbit's butt no matter how you look at it!

Chen Xi was also gradually discouraged, drooping his shoulders dejectedly, looking at the failed work in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, he became angry, folded his hands on his chest, and his pouting mouth could hold a bottle of oil.

It's really weird, why didn't he follow his ideas, is this dough bullying? Don't think that he is so petite and small that he is easy to bully. Believe it or not, I will let you taste my rabbit fist?

While thinking, Chen Xi waved his small fist with teeth and claws, and then he hit the dough twice with two hits, denting Lei Che's upturned buttocks in his eyes.

Before Lei Che had time to feel sorry, he saw the red bean paste filling in the dough being sprayed out with a 'poof' sound. The little guy's eyes and nose were all sprayed, and his face was covered with a deep red color!

Seeing this scene, Lei Che was immediately overjoyed, the distorted old face is very exciting, what's going on? The little butt was squirted out from the spanking... Puff haha!

Tilting his head, Chen Xi felt that he had been wronged when he saw his grandfather laughing so exaggeratedly that everyone bullied him, curling his lips, Chen Xi's big eyes suddenly turned red up.

Rabbits who have been raised for such a long time have already gained experience in raising them. It is not an exaggeration to say that Lei Che knows where he is going to jump when this little guy raises his buttocks! Seeing this posture, Lei Che immediately sounded the alarm in his heart, no, this is about to make trouble again!

Clenching his big hand into a fist and putting it next to his mouth, Lei Che coughed softly. Lei Che quickly suppressed his smile, then put a serious face on his face, not caring about the flour on his hand, and hurriedly hugged the little guy into his arms to comfort him.

"Shh, little bastard, don't cry, don't cry, take back the tears for me, this is at the eldest brother's house, how shameful is it that you, a brother who is married to a man, shed tears at every turn? Don't let your sister-in-law laugh Go, be good, let's go home and cry again!"

Chen Xi sniffled his nose when he heard this, the tears rolled in his eyes a few times before disappearing, the little guy hid in Lei Che's arms , and said in a low voice: "Well, I know... I know, remember to remind me when the master comes home!"

Hearing this, Lei Che was completely confused, scratched his head and said in puzzlement: "Remind? Why did you ask me to remind you?"

Hearing this, Chen Xi was not happy anymore, and after casting a blank look at his father, he curled his lips and responded, "Didn't the father say that you will cry when you go home?"

So, this is to He reminded this little guy, remember to cry when you get home?

Damn it, thank goodness he can figure it out, believe it or not, I will beat you up right now, making you cry so hard you can't stop it!

Lei Che was about to die of anger, and sneakily stretched out his big hand, squeezed Chen Xi's buttocks in warning, and when the little guy cast his puzzled eyes over, he gave him a vicious look, and then the little bastard immediately He lost his temper, like a deflated ball, after shrinking his neck, he timidly ran to knead the dough again.

I really can't get used to it, and it's the opposite of the sky, Lei Che put on a face, stamped his feet in a pretentious manner, and then growled at the little guy: "Little brat, why are you running so far? Come here, take your dough Roll over together."

Hearing this, Chen Xi pinched the dough in his paws, and he hesitated to take any action! It wasn't until Lei Che yelled at him in a rough voice that he reluctantly moved his calf! He ran up to Lei Che in a dreadful manner, without daring to raise his head, stretched out his two little paws respectfully, and contributed his own dough.

Lei Che snorted coldly, snatched the dough from the little guy's hand, then bent down, worked hard two or three times, and squeezed the horrible dough into a white rabbit, then stuffed it back again In the paws of the little one.

"Clumsy, can't even pinch a rabbit, now, take it, it's soft, just like you little bastard."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's little face, which was still worried just now, suddenly became sunny. He took the little rabbit in the palm of his hand with both hands, and his big eyes stuck to it without moving his nest. It was extremely rare!

Seeing the little guy's big eyes sparkling, Lei Che immediately became interested, and pinched a few other small animals with his hands, and then Chen Xi carefully picked them up and placed a whole plate on the plate.

This meal was very satisfying at the eldest brother's house. Chen Xi once again showed his amazing appetite in front of everyone, grabbing one with each hand, and his cheeks were bulging, just like how much Lei Che abused him on weekdays. Yes, Xie Yi was taken aback when he saw it.

There was also the white rabbit pie, Chen Xi wanted to show respect to his masters with a fawning face, but Lei Che turned his face black and waved his hand to refuse, and the little guy's saliva and the dough that came out beat him to death He, he will never eat it!

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