Chapter 157 Was rounded up by officers and soldiers

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But the next day, before dawn, something unexpected happened suddenly!

Layers of officers and soldiers surrounded the inn where Lei Che stayed!

Although Lei Che had been discharged from the army for many years, the habits he had formed as a special soldier back then could not be changed. Almost at the slightest sign of trouble, Lei Che was awakened.

Supporting his body with his upper arms, Lei Che frowned slightly, and pricked up his ears. In the gray sky, the light in the tiger's eyes suddenly appeared, which was something Chen Xi couldn't see every day, the other side of Lei Che .

Putting on a piece of clothing casually to cover his lower body, and tied a slipknot around his waist, Lei Che stepped out of the bed lightly, and walked towards the window against the wall, like a lion looking for food. Not a single sound came out.

When he came to the window, he gently opened the window halfway. Lei Che squinted his tiger eyes and looked out, only to find that in the courtyard of the inn, the policemen in official uniforms had surrounded the entire inn. Three floors, three floors outside, airtight!

My good fellow, this man who is on the alert seems unable to let out even a single fly.

A man in a python robe was surrounded by many officials. Even though he was pretending to be quiet, Lei Che could still see an unconcealable anxiety from between his furrowed brows.

"Go and grab the shopkeeper here, and ask him if there is a brother with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes who moved in after yesterday evening, go!" With his hands behind his back, the man gave an order very quickly, as if he had completely I can't hold my breath anymore.

As soon as Lei Che, who was on the second floor, heard this, he knew that he was in trouble!

From the confession of Brother Yu who was rescued by them yesterday, Lei Che vaguely felt that the matter was not as simple as he said, and sure enough, something went wrong.

With so many officers and soldiers, it would be easy for Lei Che to break through the siege alone. After all, this is a backward world. The officers and soldiers here probably haven't even learned the art of war from Sun Tzu. It took advantage of the loophole.

But Lei Che is not alone, he has a family, a husband and a son, if he wants to break out, the only way to break through is probably by force.

Having made up his mind, Lei Che returned to the bedside, and had no choice but to gently shake the sleeping husband.

"Baby, baby, wake up, wake up! There are red and blue hickey marks on Chen Xi's shoulders and small arms. Right now, he is sleeping the most deeply. Which one You don't have eyes, how dare you quarrel with him at this time? The little rabbit spoiled by Lei Che waved his paw, and left three red marks on the big tiger's face mercilessly. "Why are you arguing?

" ? Also keep people from sleeping? 〃 After muttering in a low voice, Chen Xi turned over, tucked himself in the blanket, and planned to continue sleeping!

Lei Che couldn't get angry after getting his paw scratched, so he could only swallow his anger: "...:,''My dear baby, my dear, wake up, I have something to tell you, wake up quickly, it's very important.

" The situation was critical, Lei Che had no choice but to be ruthless, pushed the sleeping Chen Xi again, and mercilessly lifted the little guy out of his sweet dream.

Finally regaining consciousness, Chen Xi blinked his big fuzzy eyes, opened his mouth, and yawned big.

Turning his head around, poking a small head out from under the quilt, Chen Xi didn't wake up, still in a daze, turned towards Lei Che's direction, and asked in a soft voice: "Master, what's the matter? Xiaoxi So sleepy, I want to sleep!"

"Xiaoxi, don't go to sleep, we are surrounded by officers and soldiers, hurry up and get dressed, go to the next door and take that brother Yu who you saved with us, we have to break out quickly, if we are late, we won't be able to leave." Listen Hearing these words, Chen Xi woke up completely, jumped up from the bed suddenly, and clenched the mattress under him with his little paws, Chen Xi asked nervously, "Master, what... what's going on?" ? Didn't we do anything illegal? Why did the officers and soldiers arrest us?" "

I'm not sure, but I guess it has something to do with the brother we rescued. Didn't he say yesterday that his man Are you an official in the imperial court? If it's not that person, then it's that person's enemy!" Lei Che frowned, the expression on his face was not very good-looking, and what he said was just his speculation.

"What? How did this happen? Grandpa, Xiaoxi... Did Xiaoxi cause trouble for Grandpa?" When Chen Xi heard this, he panicked immediately. He didn't know where to put his little paws. The big eyes were covered with a layer of water vapor in an instant, and he asked with a worried face.

Master told me not to let him meddle in other people's business, but he insisted on not listening. Now that he has caused trouble, is Master angry with him?

"Baby, don't be afraid, isn't I here? Be obedient, get up, and quickly do what you say, and I promise to take you away safely, and none of you will get into trouble." Lei Che said at the same time Hearing these words, he hurriedly dressed himself.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi didn't dare to delay any longer. The whole rabbit got out of its nest, began to hurriedly dress itself and put on its little boots, and then hugged the sleeping cub in the side room and walked out. The door, went to call Yu Geer from the next room, and after he got dressed and packed his luggage, he took him back to his room.

Lei Che had already prepared for it, and had been standing by the window the whole time, observing the movement downstairs. Seeing that the man had already asked the shopkeeper about his whereabouts, it seemed that they had to race against time. If it is suitable, it is possible to be surrounded by people.

At this moment, Chen Xi walked into the room with Brother Yu, Lei Che raised his head and took a look, then waved to Brother Yu, and asked, "Come and see, do you know the girl in the courtyard?" The man in the python robe? Hearing this, Brother Yu hugged the burden in his arms uneasy, and after taking a deep breath, he walked towards the window

. His face turned pale and bloodless in an instant, and his lips trembled. Brother Yu didn't know how to explain to Lei Che and Chen Xi.

" did he come? He just got married a few days ago, shouldn't he be tender and affectionate with his new husband now? "

As soon as Lei Che heard this, he didn't need to delve into it to understand it all! Sure enough, the boss came to the door!

" Then let me ask you again, are you going to go down to see him, or...? "As a result, before Lei Che finished speaking, he was interrupted by Brother Yu with a face of panic.

"I don't want to see him, I beg you, can you take me away with you, I know my request is a bit too much, But I will definitely repay you in the future, whether it is a cow or a horse. Knowing that

Lei Che was not good at talking, Brother Yu turned his head, grabbed Chen Xi's little paw, and begged with a sad face. With a small face, he turned his head and looked at his masters.

He really can't decide this kind of thing!

"Okay, okay, help people to the end, send Buddha to the West, and drive me away quickly, we Leave through the back door, hurry up. 〃After Lei Che said this, he directly protected Chen Xi and Brother Yu, who were holding the cub behind them, and broke through the door. While trying not to attract the attention of the officials, a group of several people sneaked towards the back door .

After successfully escaping from the encirclement and getting into the bullock cart, Lei Che didn't care about covering up any more. He flicked his whip hard and galloped towards the street.

Brother Yu was about to get into the carriage, but he couldn't bear it after all. He couldn't help himself to look back, and accidentally met the eyes of the man in the boa robe.

Panicked, Yuge'er's bag fell onto the carriage with a 'clack' sound, and, ignoring anything else, got into the carriage with trembling hands and feet.

"Yu'er, don't go. Listen to my explanation. What else are you looking at? Hurry up and let no one escape." The man in the python robe saw this scene, his eyes turned red immediately, and he hurriedly asked an official He took the horse from his hands, rode on it without hesitation, and chased in the direction of Lei Che.

And those officials who had just woken up from a dream, after hearing this, they all reacted. They surrounded Lei Che from all directions.

Brother Yu and Chen Xi hid in the carriage and hugged each other in fear. Chen Xi was fine, but Brother Yu seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Yes.

After so many years of grievances, being betrayed, being sold into the filthy place in the Huanguan, and finally being rounded up by my own men, my brother's thoughts are delicate, so many things happened I can't bear it anymore.

" What should I do, what should I do? Why did he come here? Don't you think I'm not embarrassing enough? 〃Brother Yu didn't know when her face was wet with tears, she buried her head between her arms, and muttered to herself with trembling lips, she didn't know if she was asking someone else or herself.

When Chen Xi heard this, he felt very uncomfortable! As a brother, you will inevitably feel the same way!

"Don't be sad anymore. We will definitely escape successfully. My man will do what he says. Since he said he won't abandon you, then you must be safe." He pawed away, and gently patted Yuge'er on the shoulder to comfort him.

Hearing this, Yuge'er calmed down a little, looked at Chen Xi with red eyes, and nodded with a wry smile.

On the other side, Lei Che was facing the siege of many officers and soldiers, and the situation was already tense!

While waving a whip to drive the bullock cart, while beating the officials who tried to stop him with fists and kicks, Lei Che had a sullen face, tense muscles all over his body, and his eyes were calm and ferocious.

Seeing that the rice bucket he brought was of no use at all, the man in the python robe couldn't hold back anymore, so he could only go into battle in person. He is famous and has a high status now, but if his husband ran away with others, then he begged What's the point of all this?

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