Chapter V

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Reading my book before going to sleep is my favorite past time. It makes me fall asleep easily and that's what I am currently doing right now.

Turning to the pages, I cannot help but grin thinking about that random pink haired girl whom I tried messing up with earlier. And if you are asking where I get her number,well I am the president of the whole department and I know a lot of sources as to where I could get her number.

I heave a sigh as I look at the ceiling, it's raining outside and now is the perfect time to sleep. But for some reason, my mind is betraying me.


The sound of my phone snap me out of my deep thoughts as I saw the caller's ID and saw Mom' s name so I directly pick it up.

"Hey Mom." I greeted as I click the face time button showing my mother's face.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Mom ask the moment she saw me.

"Never been better mom. I am exhausted from school and also from the events but I can still go on." Smiling from ear to ear, mom look at me lovingly.

"Oh don't overwork yourself too much Freen that's not good for your health." Mom exclaimed but I just laugh and nodded.

"I'm not mom I promise. I look at mom and realized how much I missed her so I never hesitated telling her how I feel. "I miss you mom."

"Aww I miss you too baby." A single tear escape from mom's eyes making me also sad.

"Mommmm! Don't cry." I whined because I don't wanna see her cry. "We will see each other soon okay, i'll be back home safe and sound."

"I love you baby." -Mom.

"I love you too mom." I smiled and give mom a flying mumu making her smile. "Bye mom."

I ended the call and held the phone closer to my chest.

Just a little bit longer mom and i'll be home as quick as I can.

Freen had always miss home. There is no time she never once think of going home but she can't just leave every paper works she have unfinished. Being the campus president is a great privilege but it is putting your personal life in the line.

Being free doing things at school means being deprive to live your life. It was like a duty you need to fulfill filtering your life.

And that's what Freen felt everyday. She's free from family burdens but she was carrying a great burden at school.

Feeling the power of sleepiness, Freen put her book aside as she turn off the lampshade next to her bed preparing to drift of to Dreamland.


Hearing the doorbell went off, Freen sit up from her bed and look at the time.

"9:15." She stood up confused on who could be ringing her doorbell this late at night when it's also raining.

She hurriedly go downstairs checking the CCTV before opening the gate. She's a safe freak, check the who is it first before opening or your done.

As she was checking the CCTV , all she could see was a grey car park outside her house. No sign of human being can be seen so she creased her forehead.

"Who could that be?" She whispered to herself.

Getting a spare umbrella, she walk outside in the pouring rain with her face looking so mad because someone interrupted her bed time. As she was getting closer to the gate, she saw someone sitting in the pavement soak in the rain so she hurriedly open the gate.

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