Chapter XXII

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The moment I step into the mattress of our dorm. Nam started nagging me about the girl as she pulled me beside her giving me an amused face.

"What?" I annoyingly asked.

"Didn't know you already get yourself a chick that fast. Becca is just around." She tease so I rolled my eyes at her smacking her arm.

"Shut up Nam! First Liela is not my chick and never will be. And second... Rebecca is just a friend nothing more." Yeah lie to someone as foolish of all fools. No friends will ever feel her heart bursting out of their chest when their together.

"Friend your ass." She replied and her eyebrows are raising up and down everytime she utter the words. "But Liela is beautiful though."

"You should get her." I teased. Nam look like she is daydreaming the moment she reminisce the beauty of the other girl.

"Why would I? I'm not even gay. You should get her!" She yelled.

"And do I look gay to you?" I ask. I am not gay, and never was gay. Rebecca makes you gay.

"Your gayer than all gay's when Rebecca's around."

"Let's just shut it Nam okay! Rebecca is inconsequent in this topic. It's always Rebecca here Rebecca there. Rebecca is all over the place. I wanna have space from her for once." I cooed as Nam's sculpted eyebrow knitted.

"Yeah i'll give you a break for now." She smiled. "But let's talk about that kiss later on." She stood up but stumble down afterwards stepping on a small humps of the floor creating a loud noise.

"NAM! Please be mindful it's not just us in this building." I scolded. I don't really wanna incite a lot of attention from everyone and I know most people here don't want burden ahead of them. So as will avoid being the burden as long as possible.

"Sorry." She replied.

Stretching my body all over the bed, getting rid of the painful soreness of my limps and my butt from the long ride. I finally heave a deep breath as my back hit the soft surface of the bed. Then P'Nam joined me right after she finish doing her stuff by laying on my bed as she closed her eyes.

"Nam. Go to your bed. " Nam peeked one eye open.

"Just let me lay here just this once you know. I won't even do anything to you." Turning her back on me, Nam didn't budge move away from my bed and resume her rest on my area. It's not that I don't want Nam beside me. It's just that she's taking all sides of the bed when she's sleeping leaving no room for her. So I always kick her out.

A few times of tossing around and I still can't drift to sleep. How can I rest now? I can't even sleep. Good lord Freen. One final toss and I took my phone from the bedside table connecting it directly to the internet. Notifications pop up, messages from my friends, mom and from the school campus that I never had the time to open yet due to the poor connection of this area. Nonetheless, I open mom's message first before reading the messages my friends sent me.

Hey darling. I'm sorry for the late notice of your departure, call me when your already there.

After reading the message. I direct give my mom a call and after a few rings, I can already hear the chatters on the other line. Maybe she's on our cafe.

"Hey darling, sorry I didn't send you a send off message earlier I was so busy and Sarah ask for a leave for the day." Mom said on the other line. Hearing her voice gives a thin line crossing my lips. Mom's voice is like a medicine to me. Just hearing her voice cheer me up. It was like a water that I need to take when I am so dried up. And now is one of those days where mom is my medicine. All in one at the same time.

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