Chapter XXVIII

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"You should apologize Freen!"

That's always what P'Nam have been yelling about. She keep nagging me to apologize to Rebecca because of what I did. I didn't even think she would sprain her ankle when I bump into her. It's not my intention to do so.

"I don't want to!" I yelled back.

"I swear Freen sometimes I really wanna choke you to death. Go! Apologize! Can't you see the girl sprained her ankle because of you!"

"It's not my intention! I was just planning to bump into her!"

"But it ended up being like it! Why do even want to bump her?"

"Nothing." I replied. I don't even know why I acted like that at the first place.

"Your jealous."

"What?" I ask.

"Your jealous, I know you are. If you are not then why would you bump into her right?"

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Yeah why would you be jealous Freen? You should ask yourself about that."

I sigh. I am not yet accepting that I am jealous. I'm also not too naive to never think that way. I know I am slightly jealous and I don't want her spending time with her boyfriend any lesser. But I cannot do anything about it.

I'm jealous yes, but I don't wanna say I am inlove with Rebecca. Not yet. Because I am uncertain yet about what I feel.

"I'm not jealous." I whispered.

"Yeah like I am a fool to believe that."  P'Nam replied as she glared at me. "Apologize Freen! You should apologize wether you like it or not. What you did is bad and disrespectful. You cannot let your jealousy role over you. You cannot let your emotions be the reason for you to hurt someone else. Rebecca isn't held accountable for what you feel so you should apologize to her." 

This is what I like about P'Nam. She doesn't just listen to one side of the story and she didn't tolerate bad behavior. She is a big sister to me. She educate me and scold when I am in the wrong side.

"Fine. I will. Where is she?"

"She's in the clinic." " P'Nam replied.  I was hesitant at first but P'Nam keep nagging me about it so I gived in eventually. I also somehow feel bad about what happened.

"Okay, i'll be going then." I started walking towards the clinic when I bump into Non on the hallways. I was supposed to walk away and ignore him but he suddenly block my way pulling my arm with his right hand.

"What?" I ask looking down at his hand that's gripping my arm and looking back at his face.

"When will your study session with my girlfriend be done?" He boldly ask. I grinned at him making him more upset.

"Why? Are you threatened by my presence?" I ask. "Or are you threatened by the fact that I spend most of the time with your girlfriend more than you do?"

"Fuck you Sarocha!" He gritted his teeth as he clench his jaw looking at me.

"Your burst of anger just shows how much insecure you are to me... Why is that Ratchanon?  Do Rebecca always keep blurting my name out that shows how consumed she is with me?" I ask again yanking my arm from his grip. "Why are you upset with me all of a sudden when I didn't even do anything for you to be that upset?" I laughed. "You should be scared Non, I am not doing anything yet but you are already frustrated with what might possibly happen."

"Stay away from my girl Freen or else..."

"Or else what? Your gonna beat me? Oh Ratchanon that is so childish of you? Do you think I am scared?" I paused pulling him by the collar as I whispered on his ear. "You should be the one to be scared Ratchanon! You have the girl... Enjoy it while she's not yet mumbling someone else's name in front of you." I walk pass him leaving him speechless in the middle of the hallways and I just grinned about what I did.

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