Chapter XIX

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My head was all over that kiss. It was like a broken record that keep replaying in my mind. Like her lips is imprinted in my brain that makes it more impossible to forget the way it taste. She is unforgettable. Her smile, her smell, her cute littles dimples. Everything about her can't be define by a simple statement use to defy her.

The kiss. The kiss did happened. And I was surprise enough to just flew out of her house without saying anything to her. The truth is, I don't know how to structure my word. I don't know how to face her and I don't know how we will be able to cope up things after what happened.

What if Becky hate me after that?

Becky hate you even before

What if we become awkward?

The kiss is no one's fault.

"Freen, i'll be picking you up in a few." Saint said at the other side of the line. Yeah, I forgot I am talking to him in a phone call just now.

"Yeah, i'll wait outside. Are we gonna drop by at school?" I ask.

"Yeah we will. "He replied. "I need to go now Freen. I'll pick you up not long after okay?"

"Okay." I replied and cut the call.

No matter how hard I tried to get my mind off the event of last night. My mind seems to be being hardheaded, it never let me forget about what happened. About the kiss. About her lips and her heavy breathing against my nose. Her velvet perfume invading my nostrils and her strawberries like lips. God I can't forget about it. And thinking about that random girl make my heart skip a bit.

Am I inlove with Rebecca?

Was is just lust?

No. It's not lust because I never want her for sexual desire. Wait...

Want? Did I say I want her?

Oh God. This is giving me headaches.

I grab my headphones tucking it in my ears blasting the music to it's fullest to shut everyone out. I need to keep myself busy so I won't think about her again. I close my eyes while waiting for Saint when suddenly.

Luscious lips

Brown eyes

Sharp nose

The curves

Her red heart shape lips

Her smell

Oh God everything about my thoughts screams Becky. She was like a drug I can't get over with. I was given a chance to take her and now i'm addicted. So addicted that I am not planning on detaching myself any minute from now.

Am I really inlove with that girl? Am I?

Well who wouldn't be right? How could I not? She's an embodiment of perfection. The way she move screams glory and her beauty screams goddess of all goddesses. She was a walking embodiment of everyone's ideal girl.

But she have a boyfriend. And i'm not gay. I never was. I never even imagine myself falling over the same gender not until I met Becky. She just go over the line and broke my limits. She just went for it and I lose the walls.

She was like a property. I have a debt for her and I risk my heart for her indubitably. For a moment my heart become the mortgage of my debt. My heart was the price.

"God Freen. Your freaking into someone's girlfriend. You can't do that!" I scold myself.

After a few minutes I saw a red mustang approaching as it honk over and Saint get off his car looking so good as usual.

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