Chapter VIII

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Questions were raised towards me in the whole College of Law department as to the photos of me and Freen getting out the car together spread like wild fires in the entire campus. Students are bombarding me with question as to why me and Freen wear the same clothes, why did I come to school with Freen, why is she the one driving me all the way here and a lot more questions that I left unanswered to avoid students to create rumors again.

And so they stop nagging me about it. But I cannot escape Irin's murderous eyes and her puppy grin that I really wanna rip off her lips right now.

"Sooooo Armstrong... What's the tea?"

"Oh God. I know you already know about it Irin. That's enough."

"What? Oh that is never enough Becbec. I only heard the conspiracy theory from other people but not from you. That's so unfair i'm your bestfriend but you let me hear rumors from different people's mouth."

"Well they we're spreading those photos and rumors as if they already know the side story. So do I need to drop the behind the scene about those rumors? And besides Freen also didn't bother explaining that rumor to everyone. So I guess I don't have to drop off some statement about that."

"Becccbeccccc... Come on spill. Spill the story na ka." Irin plead with her puppy face so I just ruffled her hair giggling with her reaction.

"Fine fine. But if this story came out and became a hot topic here again i'll choke you, you understand?"



The moment I read what the unknown number sent to me, I directly jump out of the bed with shock written on my face. It's her.  It's Freen.

I hurriedly took my wallet with me and my phone before going downstairs as fast as I could.  I look at the time and I know it's almost so late at night but all I wanna do is get Freen to help me again. And this is my chance, so I wouldn't let it slipped away. 

"Mom, I will go out for a minute. You can go eat ahead before me. Don't bother wait for me I might be back a little longer. " I rushed out of the house  as I didect went to my car and hop in.

"Becca! Wait where are going? It's already late you can't go."

"Mom, I needed to go. It's urgent. I promise i'll be back home safe."

Without waiting for a response. I started the engine and search for a store that is still open at this hour.

It's been thirty minutes of driving and almost all stores are close since only few stores are open 24/7 so I carry on finding a store that sells what Freen wants. After a few minutes, I found a store in Ratchadamnoen Avenue so I hurriedly went out hoping to find green tea here.

"Sawadee ka, do you sell green tea here?"

"Sawadee, we do sell green tea here young lady but today is out of stuck so we don't have green tea as of the moment." The older lady apologized as I smiled at her and bowed down before going out trying to look for another store. I drove again for another 15 minutes to find another store at Bang Ya Praek.

"Excuse me, do you sell green tea here?" I ask the saleslady and unfortunately, she shook her head making me let out a sigh as I walk out of the store again.

I look at the time and it's already pass 9 PM and yet I am still here having a store raid only to find a green tea for freaking Freen Sarocha who might be laughing at me now.

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