Chapter LXXXI

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Freen stood frozen on her spot seeing her father for a long period of time.

The father she was longing for to have for quite some time. The father she wanted to be there when her and her mother needed him the most. The father she never haved.

He is there. Standing tall wearing such luxurious cloths that hug his body perfectly highlighting his broad muscles and biseps that is shaped as if he was preparing and shaping it for a long time.

Looking at his father, he wondered how he can afford such things when he cannot even afford one cake before for her birthday. She wondered what he is been up to, to have this kind of life.

"Freen... Pumpkin." Taking a step closer. His father tried taking Freen's hand but she is quick to move back.

"Don't. You. Dare." She warned as tears formed through her eyes.

"Freen please... Let me hold you for only once." He pleaded as tears stream down his cheeks. Freen's face is molded right after his father's figure.

She is convinced that the shape of her face is inherited from her father but she regretted having that for now. She can't bear carrying a replica of her father on her skin.

"Please..." He tried again for the second time but Freen ran away as Nam followed from behind.

Tears betrayed her beautiful eyes. Her visions are blocked by a blurry sights enabling her to see the path clearly. She was sobbing hard.

She thought the pain she felt is gone when he left is buried somewhere down there, but today it is enliven. It is awoken from that deep slumber she trapped between it. The pain never vanished, it was just forgotten but it never disappeared. She just live with the pain, with the absence of losing her father.

And she is used to it.

She live with it.

"Freen!" Nam shout as she ran after Freen. She don't wanna see her friend like this again. She hate this side of Freen.

The broken Freen.

A fragile Freen.

And it's killing her to see Freen like this.

She grabbed Freen's hand and felt how painful it is for her to see her father again. Her hand is shaking uncontrollably and her breathe hitch as if she was being suffocated, then again Freen's hand started getting cold as she gasp for air making Nam panic.

"Freen! Freen! What the hell don't faint on me!" She yelled shaking Freen's shoulder. "Freen! Breathe babe! Breathe!"

Nam was pacifying Freen at her best as the other girl fought for the shortness of breathed she felt. She is clutching her chest and her other hand is clutching Nam's shirt ruffling the perfectly plaid shirt.


"What Freen? What is it?"

"I-i... W-want B-becky." She mustered to whisper. "I-i w-wanna g-go t-to B-becky."

Dragging Freen along her. Nam doesn't care if she looks like she's dragging a sack of bag. She run along the basement and to the parking lot to Freen's car as Freen slowly lose consciousness.

The moment she sat foot on the ignition. She fasten Freen's seatbelt and drove all the way to Becca's condo and she just wished she won't be called tomorrow for condemning plenty and multiple driving laws.

All she is thinking right now is getting Freen to Becky's.

"Call Rebecca." She commanded as Freen's phone connect to Becca's contact and after a few minutes, Rebecca's sweet voice can be heard on the other line.

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