Chapter LVIII

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Third Person's POV

Freen is trapped in between Becky's arms. Her waist is held tightly by Rebecca's right hand an her nape is settled in place by her left. She wanted to push Rebecca away but her body is betraying her, it's as if she is hypnotized by the girl's touch making her have that strong power in Freen's being.

Rebecca tongue travelled on her's exploring her insides as it skid through her luscious hear shaped lips.  She bit Freen's lips making the older girl released a muffled moan much to her dismay. Using all her strength, she push Rebecca's shoulders away from her to repress the heated kiss but Rebecca is much way more stronger than her so she is pinned on the window of the car as Rebecca's tongue travels on her neck.

"B-bec! B-becky! Stop!" She manage to utter in between the delicate sensation. She needed to stop herself, she needed to hold in all the sexual hormones left in her to avoid provoking Rebecca. But then again the younger girl nibbled on the girl's collar as she suck gently the expose skin leaving a red mark in between Freen's chest.

"B-beccc! St-stop it!" Freen retorted a little more louder but Rebecca is already so worn out that she squeeze the older girls breast making her release an uneven breath. And Rebecca is way more satisfied on what she did.

"Is this what you like Freen?" She asked pulling away.


"Is this what you want? I need to harass you first before you talk to me?" She asked and the older girl glared at her.

"Who says i'll talk to you?"

She replied then Rebecca suddenly stole a peck at her lips making her scream inside the car.



She unlock the door on Becky's side pushing her away before she can steal any more kisses but Rebecca's reflex is really of a boxer since the moment she stood high outside, Freen is also standing drape in her arms as she pulled her with her.

"What do you want Rebecca!" Freen yelled.


Dragging Freen along with her, she tucked her extra helmet on Freen's head as she wore her's then hop in to her motorcycle.

"Let's go! I'll take you home."

"I don't want to!"

"Yes you will want to!"

"No!" Freen unlocked her helmet but she was surprise when she was held from the ground as Rebecca Carey her on her back as they both sat in her scooter before she started the ignition gripping the handgrip making Freen stick her body closer afraid she will fall behind.

"Rebecca! Are you gonna kill me!"

"Suits you for being too hard to get!" The younger one yelled back.

"What about my car?"

"I'll order my driver to get it."

"It's not even locked!"

"I press the locked button the moment we step out. Don't worry."

Then even before Rebecca could continue. The grip on her waist tighten as Freen hook her arms on the girl's waist that suffocated her.

"F-freen! S-stop!" She exclaimed taking her left hand away from the handgrip loosening Freen's arms over her.

"I hate you Rebecca!" Freen yelled but only Becky do is shrugged.

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