Chapter XI

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It's Saturday night and Freen is waiting for Rebecca Patricia Armstrong to show up in her apartment for their study lessons.

Time fly so fast, it's been two weeks since she started helping her out with her academic failure. She's nothing but a pain in the ass for her stubbornness. She's as persistent as Freen is when it comes to things that she isn't supposed to do so both girls always argue over small things because of her.

Standing in the veranda. Free saw an unfamiliar Yamaha Mt03 motorbike from afar. It's driver is anonymous since she can't see the driver's face. Watching the driver from afar, Freen saw the motorbike stopping in front of her gate so she creased her forehead observing who might be underneath that helmet.

"I didn't remember inviting anyone else today." Freen mumbled.  Just as she is watching intently, the driver took off the helmet revealing a blond hair Rebecca Armstrong.

She change her hair color. Freen thought to herself. The younger girl look smoking hot with her hair. Her body is to die for, her beauty is ethereal and Non will be a total coward if he let his girl go. Shaking her head, Freen quickly ran off the gate to open it for Becky as she smiled at Freen showing her cute little dimples on her cheeks.

Goodness, even her small dimples look good on her.


"Hi Freen."

"I didn't know you can drive that."

"Are you mocking my skills?"

"No of course not, it's just that i'm used seeing you in a car you know."

Becky smiled.

"Do you know why you didn't know that I can drive a motorbike?" Becky asked.

"No, why?"

"Because you didn't tried to know things about me."  Becky replied.

Freen was taken aback. The younger girl is somehow right about that. But she don't find interest on knowing other people's life. It's not her business.

"Things about you is quitely..." Freen paused as she flash her smirk making the younger girl raise her eyebrows. "Boring."

Becky's face was unpainted.  She cannot believe Freen just call her life boring.  I mean she was never been mocked about her life ever. And for some reason Freen is always the one to break her first times.

"Really Freen?" She ask as her voice carries sarcasm with it. And the older girl knows she just hit a nerve deep within Becky.


"Well your life is much more boring. Your too serious that the muscles in your face seems to be missing. "

"What the hell!" Freen yelled but the younger girl just rolled her eyes at the older one.

" Payback."

Retreating in defeat, Freen pulled the younger girl inside her apartment and made their way together in the living room. The books Becky is gonna be reading is already prepared, the notes and all the things she needed is all over the table near the couch.

" I hate your studying skills." Becky mumbled.

"Oh please your gonna thank me after this." Freen replied as she sit across Becky in the other side of the couch.

"Aren't you tired carrying the whole library in your brain?"

"No,and excuse me studying won't be that hard if you don't put a barricade between your knowledge and your laziness.  If your laziness is the hindrance to your studying skills. You cannot learn." 

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