Chapter XL

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The ride home was filled with Saint's cussing and swearing about Non. He was so devastated that he the steering wheel with his palm making me jerk off out of surprise.

This is the first time in a long time he became this mad. The last time was because of Seng cheating behind my back. After that Saint became over protective of me, including knowing my suitors background everytime I am pursued by someone.

He turned the steering wheel on the left side and pulling over my apartment circling the car to open my door and I smiled at him lightly as he held my arm guiding me over the entrance.

"Please take care of yourself little sis." He said ruffling my hair.

"I will big brother." I replied beaming a smile. "Mom is here by the way, do you wanna have some coffee and some talks with my mom?"

"Sure if that's okay."

"Idiot! That's okay, as if my mom never saw you almost 24/7 with me before trying to protect me from cheaters." I teased making him laugh and smack my arm.

"Shut up! I was just being protective."

"Over protective to be exact."

"Shut up!" He yelled making me laugh.

"Come on let's go before someone else see us standing here and suspect me dating you again."

We both entered my apartment and I saw mom on the kitchen preparing a meal so I slowly tiptoed over beckoning Saint not to make a sound and I then hugged her from behind resting my chin on her shoulders.

"Heyyy mom." She got startled then she turn her body around to face me.

"O-oh hey baby... I thought you still have classes why are you home early?" She ask.

"I took an early leave mom, i'm not feeling well." Lies. I don't know when I started keeping things from mom but I don't want to randomly tell her some dude broke into my office pulling me by the collar placing a threat down my throat. That'll freak her up.

"Is that it?"

"Yes mom." I replied. "Anyway mom, Saint is here. He drove me home." I then pulled away from the hug as Saint bowed a little to my mom before engulping her into a tight hug.

"Hey Saint... It's been a long time." Mom cooed as she break free from the hug.

"Hey auntie. How are you?"

"Oh i'm fine dear. How about you? Are you doing good?"

"Yes auntie I am never been better. " Saint replied as he smiled gently to mom.

Mom met Saint one time when he came over to my apartment asking me how i've been after what happened and that was when mom know Seng cheated on me. He even slapped Seng the moment she saw him one time leaving Seng bewildered about what happened and on that day forward, mom told me not to settle for less.

"Can you stay for a little longer? I wanna have a chitchat with you."

"Of course auntie." Saint smiled and mom pulled him over the couch as she prepare a coffee for both of them.

"I'll just go upstairs mom,I need to change." I retorted and headed towards my room putting my bag on my bedside table and slumping my face on the bed.

The event earlier still lingered on my mind. How Non reacted, how he pulled my wrist harshly like he was gonna hurt me for doing something I am not even aware of. Thinking about that got me a little terrified not because of what happened, but because I was thinking what more could happen if I wanted more from Rebecca. Would I still be okay in the moment? Would I still have the guts to face Non if I ask for more and want more of those he got? How will he react if that happens? Would he hurt me in that moment? Will he do more than just pulling my wrist in front of the people I know?

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