Our Ending

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Then how can we defy pain?
Is it the words that cut within us?
Or the actions used to fool us?

How can we heal from the pain we never caused?
How can we mend a broken piece without knowing the perpetrator?
Are we ready to fall alone?
Are we ready to be alone?

It's the actions we assumed to be something more
It's the presumptions we take that hurt us
Why did you catch me then?
If you'll let me bleed along the fall?

My heart is shattered pieces by pieces
If your comfortable with me in Him your the happiest
Sometimes I wish I could be him
So you can see me like how you did with him

It's my fault to fall and be blinded by the signs
I was enjoying the best of the world
Without worrying about the painful part
Memories flood at night as we reminisce the times
Can I hug you again before we drift apart?

Is this the time you will want me out of your life?
If I am the hindrance for you to aim for freedom?
Who am I to opposed if it is pain, next that will come

It's your smile, your smell, your care and your touch
Made me feel so alive that give tingles to my spine
I miss the time I am the first but not the last
I fall in between
And fall for cupid's bow

I am the one needed but never the one wanted
I am the one beside you while your thinking of him too
I tried helding your hand but your helding somebody else's

You told me if I got no one, look back and I'll see you
I was looking at you for so
But you never told me that it's time to look away
I would always want you to stay
Warm me up in the cold hazy night
But you were not mine to keep
And our memories is a foundation to just look by

In another life
In another universe
In another multiverse
I would always want you
Choose you
And be with you

And I hope when that time comes
You would choose me too
You would want me too
You would want me the way that I do with you

The ground we stood is on people's watch
I wish you happiness and freedom to catch
For it is my final stopped
And I am phasing out
In being true we are not hurt
But in expecting too much.

:Hey guys, I wrote this poem for P'Bec and P'Freen. I know all of us are heartbroken. We are all in pain from hearing the truth, I even gaslight myself that maybe Freen is force to say those things just to abide with the rumors. But i'm also tired too, i'm tired handling the negativities, the rumors, the link artists and I know they are too. I am in pain, not because P'Beck and P'Freen aren't together but because we have been seeing the rumors and IDF is denying it. Feeding us lies and making us believe in a fantasy of what we see. We are also humans, our feelings are valid. We have the right to be broken and in pain but we don't have the right to show them our wrath because they have separate lives. I think P'Bec falls for P'Freen, I kind of have the feeling when she posted a picture saying she's healing herself. And the occurrence of the changes is visible, the distance, the walls and the things that changes is seen by the naked eye. But P'Bec also deserves better if it is really the case. She deserve someone who will love her the way she do, because she is so genuine, kind and the greenest flag I ever seen and I would lie if I say I don't wanna have her but yet, she's older than me but it it's her age doesn't matter. I'm not saying P'Freen don't deserve better because she does, if she's happy, we are happy. I am just disappointed with the fact that the rumors before we're denied and now that this happens, it much more painful because we have been through a lot together. But still, we have to heal and move on. I don't even wanna open TikTok anymore because I know it's much more painful seeing the moments to look back where we assume they are a thing. But yet, it's just our assumptions and I will say again. We should never expect too much because it will disappoint us, expect for disappoinments instead because it will never hurt us. It is said and laid down on the table, the truth will set us free and let us all heal together. Lesson learn for today, it's not them who hurt us. It's our expectations. But still, let's be one and be friends even after what happened. Again, I am glad I met them because I never would have have you all today. Garnering 60,000 people in one story is a pleasure. And again, thanks for FB for that. Let's heal together na ka? I love you all with all my heart. Hit me a dm if you want to talk.


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