Chapter LXV

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"I love you."

My eyes widen in shock the moment Rebecca utter those three words.

It was the first time she said it directly to me. But not just me, Patrice is also here. I then look at Patrice who is eyeing me teasingly as I press back the on phone button of the call to disable the loud speaker.

"Y-yeah, right i'll get going now."

"Take care. Bye."

Then the call ended and this little girl here is such a tease. She raise her eyebrows on me demanding for a chitchat but I shrugged it off and played it cool. God I wouldn't wanna share my lovelife with an eight year old kid.

"When can I see her Phi?"


"The one your on the phone with just now. When can I see her?"

"You want to meet Rebecca?"

"No, P'Beck. I want P'Beck not Rebecca."

She whined cutely and I laugh at her reaction.

"P'Beck is P'Rebecca, Pat."


Oh God how can I make her understand this one.

"It's like this. P'Becky is P'Rebecca, P'Becca and P'Patricia. "

"No Phi. I only want P'Beck, only one not three. And why are you calling me P'Patricia I am still a Nong and it's Patrice with a CE not with a CIA."

Distress is an understatement  with Patrice. I find it so hard to make her understand such things. But I know she won't let it go if I left her hanging.

"Okay Nong, I know it's confusing but P'Becky have two names and a lot of nicknames. "

"So what's her name?"

"Her name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong."

"Her name and my name sound the same Patrice and Patricia."

"You also look the same, you have this Caucasian features with you."

Then Patrice slowly beamed a smile rubbing her temple like she is in the middle of a life risking decision.

"Can I see her?"


"Yes. Can I... Please?"

"But we are here with P'Liela Pat."

"I know, i'm not saying we should go to where she is Phi. I am saying if I can see her in pictures?"

Yeah right. Dumbed Freen.

"Okay okay." I replied and I sigh in relief that all she wants was to see Rebecca in pictures. So I showed her a pictures of Rebecca I have in my gallery.

 So I showed her a pictures of Rebecca I have in my gallery

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